Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Starting to work out.

Well, its official... I'm determined to start to work out again.  I was doing real well at the beginning of the year when I was going to the gym and lifting with 2 of my friends.  Then the gym closest to work closed down and the next closest was $50 a month!  That is way more than I was previously paying, so I quit and made a promise to myself I would exercise at home.  Well I originally made that promise in March or so, and I don't think I've worked out more than once or twice since. 

A few days ago I discovered "Back On Pointe's" exercise challenges on pinterest.  She (I'm almost positive the blog writer is a she) creates mini workout challenges and posts them online.  You can see them here. I hate to admit it, when I first saw her challenges I had to look up how to do some things; I never knew what a Burpee or a Star Jump was.  But I thought they looked short and easy and would be the perfect thing to get me wanting to work out again.

Today I did the "Cardio Circuit" workout.  And I feel like today's short exercise kinda kicked my butt.  :-/ Maybe it was because these challenges are supposed to be done with no break in between exercises (and not because of how out of shape I am) but I got my heart rate pumping and started to sweat a bit! 

I hope I keep up the workouts.... I figure if I'm so obsessed with the internet or tv where I can't spare 20 minutes I have big problems to worry about. 

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