Wednesday, June 29, 2011

AMAZING picture - Courtesty of Chicago Trib - June 2010

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time.  This picture was taken a year ago by a member of the Chicago Tribune.  For those that don't know Chicago's skyline, the tower on the right is Trump Tower and the tower on the left is the Sears Tower.  The Sears Tower recently had its name changed to the Willis Tower but in my mind it will always be the Sears Tower.  For about 25 years the Sears Tower was the largest building in the world.  It still is the tallest building in the United States. Trump tower is the 2nd tallest building in Chicago and for a year or two was the building with the world's highest residence above ground-level. 

This picture was taken during a gigantic storm.  The Trump tower was turning their lights on for the first time.  Trump tower was recently finished being built and that night was essentially their "opening" (even though at this time people were already living there.)  The picture was accidentally taken.  I think it is amazing, and honestly a once in a lifetime experience.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Another Horse Related Post

What can I say, I REALLY miss horseback riding lately.

I just can't really understand how several people who have gone through the same stuff as me (with regards to trainers) can continue to put trust in another trainer.

Lets go through everything.  All of this was at the same barn, and there are multiple people who are still there onto the next trainer. 
Trainer 1 - I was young, 12 to 16.  I was naive and so I didn't realize she was an alchy.  Come to find out she gave lessons, rode horses and did just about everything drunk.  The owner of the barn kicked her out and told her to go to rehab.  What would have happened if my horse hurt her??? The final straw was when she showed a horse at the Nationals and was so drunk she almost fell off.

Trainer 2 - I was 16-17 He started out real hardworking.... until he seduced his riders (even under age riders).  He also did hard drugs and ignored horses.  He would frequently not come to the barn for days (leaving horses in their stalls), miss scheduled lessons, and show up to lessons high.

Trainer 3 - I was 18-23.  Everything started out wonderful.  He was hardworking, completely clean, had gigantic dreams for revamping the barn.  Then, he started to get a little to big for his britches.  He started to do drugs, and his lieing problem (which was always there, just hidden) became apparent.  He would lie about getting horses out and leave horses in their stalls.  He would lie about giving horses medications they needed.  He would take horses off medication (that were legal to show on as long as proper paperwork was given) just because he didn't want to fill out the paperwork.  And... he did drugs in front of the kids who he taught.  The last straw is when he was at a show and someone keyed "STONER" into the farm truck.  It was a message to his clients that his little "habit" got out of control.

I just don't have faith in trainers.  I understand I can't afford the top notch, well known trainers, so I have to have my horse with the no-name trainers.  But what is wrong with the no-name trainers!  Don't they want to create a name for themselves?  Do they think that the only way they can create a name is a bad name?  I put my horse in these trainers hands.  I was never able to get out to the barn that often due to school, college, and work.  Therefore I had to pay someone to work my horse for me.  To train him so that we could compete at a high level.  I put my trust into these people to take care of my horse for me.

I can't help it, but I don't trust trainers anymore.  I know there are some well known "honest" trainers out there, but I can't help but think they have skeletons that no one has found yet.  I can't imagine ever putting my horse with a trainer again.  I would obsess about the quality of life they were getting (or not getting).

I just feel like "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."

Friday, June 24, 2011

A girl and her horse

I was the type of kid who tried just about every sport and didn't like any of them.  Nothing really stuck.  Then for my birthday, my parents bought me horseback riding lessons, and the rest is history.  
I remember the first horse I fell in love with was Daisy, she was a Chestnut 4 year old Saddlebred.  Her owners were never around, so I would give her the attention she deserved.  Even though I wasn't supposed to, I would bring extra carrots for her.  As a child, I didn't really understand what the "big deal" was, however, now I understand why horse owners are disgusted when they find out people are giving their horse treats.  I never had the opportunity to ride her because shortly after she came to the stables I switched to a different barn, but I'll never forget how beautiful and regal she was.

But the horse that stole my heart was Rags.  Anyone who has ever ridden horses (aside from pony rides) will understand when I say the relationship between yourself and a horse is a relationship like no other.  I own a dog, and I've owned horses, and I can't really explain it, but it's different. A dog gives you undeniable love; if you don't see the dog for a while the dog will be extremely happy to see you.  It is not the same with a horse.  I would usually see Rags several times a week unless I was on vacation.  The day I would come back from vacation, Rags would usually ignore me, upset that I left him for so long.  However, as soon as I gave him a banana or an apple, we would become friends again.  

Rags was my best friend.  As corny as it sounds, when I had a bad day at school or my parents were annoying me, I would go to the barn and talk with Rags.  He would make me feel that everything was alright.  When I was in college there were times when I would have given anything to drive the 2 hours to the barn to see my horse.  I knew that the only thing that would make everything OK was Rags. 
Rags was everything you could want in a show horse. Honest, Kind, Lovable. An all around perfect horse. He would take the little 10 year old kids and do a lesson and also light up and trot like a show horse when I rode him. He was perfect.

I don't know what it is about a girl and her horse.  It must have something to do with the majestic beauty and the shear strength the animal has that puts everything into prospective.  Trust me, if a horse does not want to be ridden, they will do everything and anything to get you off their back. 

I will always doubt that I didn't give Rags the best care he deserved.  I wonder if I really did try everything I thought of to cure his White Line Disease.  He was supposed to be my forever horse. He was supposed to live much longer. I was supposed to buy a house with land on it, so he could live his last few years in pasture. Rags was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I still miss him to this day. 

Because of Rags, I have decided that one day I will move to the country.  I will buy land and I will rehab neglected horses.  I may not be able to do it anytime soon, but I will do it one day.  And over the barn door I will have a memorial for Rags.  

Rags - May you be enjoying the greener pastures wherever you are.