Friday, June 10, 2011

Anniversary Present

So, for C's and my anniversary he bought me 3 tickets to the Glee concert.  The seats were in the upper balcony and I was able to bring 2 friends to come with.  I brought C's aunt who is a major Glee fan, and a great friend of mine, and one of my high school friends.

Well, when we arrived at the concert, we were trying to find our seats, and C's Aunt asked an employee where the stairs to the balcony were.  He told us that he was supposed to be giving out tickets to people who were seated in the balcony, and handed us 5th row seats!  These seats were AMAZING.  We were at eye level to the stage, and could literally see the sweat on the cast. :)  The picture above is taken with my phone, so its not the best, but its obvious how great the seats were.

The concert was amazing.  Brittany needs to be showcased on the show as a dancer WAY more often.  She danced to a Britney Spears song (I can't remember which one) and was fantastic.  Mercedes is a fantastic singer, better than Rachel.  Mercedes gave me goosebumps (several times) when she sang, she was unbelievable.

It was really cute when Arty got up out of the wheelchair.  Obviously everyone knows the guy who plays Arty isn't in a wheelchair, but it still was really cute when Arty got up and danced. :)

Another wonderful moment was when Kurt "proposed" to Blaine.  Kurt said he had something he needed to propose to Blaine.  Kurt got down on one knee and said "Blane, will you... join Glee Club!"  I was gasping watching this.  I thought Kurt was proposing (marriage) to Blane.  Blane said yes. :)  I guess I was the only person in the audience who didn't read the forums/spoilers because this was common knowledge. Haha.

Anyway, Thank you C, the concert was amazing. :D

1 comment:

Lori said...

It was AWESOME!!!!!