Monday, September 26, 2011

Got freaked out walking Dub a few nights ago.

So, I live in Chicago (which should be obvious) and a lot of neighborhoods are not the best.  Even "good" neighborhoods have substantially more crime than the suburbs.  (Hence why most parents move to the 'burbs to raise a family) 

Anyway, It was bed time for Dub and I always walk Dub right before he goes to bed.  Almost everyone in the neighborhood is afraid of Dub because they think he looks like a pit bull.  Honestly, he has some characteristics (short coat, wide set back legs, the snout is similar), but he really doesn't look that much like one.  Regardless, since I am a young female and I generally walk Dub alone, I am perfect OK with strangers thinking he looks like a pit because of the terrible rep pits have.
On a side note - I believe very strongly that it is the owner who makes the dog mean, not the breed.  My mother and their 8 year old beagle have been attacked 2 times by different Jack Russel Terriers.... so.  Um... yeah. 
But - Lets get back to the original story.  I was leaving the apartment and all of a sudden I got a real bad feeling on this walk.  I've never had this bad feeling walking Dub before.  Like I was being followed or watched.  It really gave me the creeps.  That's when I wished I had Pepper Spray.  I know Dub is very weary toward other people and other people are very weary of him, but it didn't really help the bad feeling. 

So - I ordered Pepper Spray today. I picked this one because it was cheap, and had good reviews. The funny thing is I actually read the reviews and they were quite humorous.

One was titled - Accidental "Test" Reveals Efficacy!" Wow... That must suck....

Another - "Having never been subjected to pepper spray before, I thought it would be "fun", "interesting", or "exciting" to allow a trusted friend to spray me under extremely controlled conditions. As an action medic, I've treated individuals that were maced and have gotten extremely minute second-hand effects from being around them...but I'm certain there is nothing that could prepare anyone for the amount of pain, irritation, and terror that this self-defense tool causes."

I just can't imagine ever buying this product to "test" it...  I guess its more common than I thought.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I suck at this "working-out" thing

So, I officially posted about the motivation "coupons" C gave me a month ago.  Since then I have filled out 5 of the 10 workouts for 1 date.  (Meaning I have exercised 5 times in the past month - ouch)

Now - 1 of those weeks I have a good excuse, but the other, I do not.  Last week I was very sick, therefore I didn't work out.  However I don't have any excuse for the week before... except laziness.

Therefore in order for me to get my Keratin treatment around Thanksgiving, I officially need to work out 15 times before October 22, or approximately 4 times a week to make up for my approximate 1 time a week this month.  Wow, that's a lot.  I guess I better get started, and get used to waking up earlier.... Crappy

I'm jealous of amazing musicians/singers

Omg.... *drool*

I envy amazing musicians/singers.... This guy makes me so jealous!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Northern Lights - I didn't take this pictures

One of the things I desperately wanted to do while I was in Alaska was see the Northern Lights.  Unfortunately, we decided to go to Alaska when there was virtually no darkness (only twilight).  So the northern lights were impossible to see. 

Before I die, I want to see the northern lights... I mean how cool is this picture!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Buying a present for a 1 year old.....

So.  C's cousin had a baby approximately a year ago.  Well, the babies 1 year old birthday is coming up.  And the parents are having a party.  Which brings me to my dilema.... What to get a 1 year old.

Part of me wants to get a toy over clothes.  I mean the baby is a boy, so I feel weird playing "dress-up" with him.  So I figure toys are a safe bet.  However, I went to a 1 year old birthday party a few months ago, and the babies favorite present was a balloon. So... what do I do.  Just get the baby a balloon?  And maybe a box?  Haha.  There is no way I can do that, although I do kinda want to put his toy (whatever I get) in a gigantic box for the baby to play in.

So, onto the "real" present for the baby.... Do I get an educational toy?  A loud and fun toy?  A quiet toy?  If I were a parents, I would despise anyone who gave my kid a loud toy.  But at the same time, I don't know if an educational toy would be fun. 

Also - I have no idea whats "in" as far as baby toys. So I really don't know what to get the baby.  Too many choices, and I only have 1.5 weeks till the party.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I guess I keep a lot of stuff...

So.  C and I spent the weekend clearing out junk.  I've learned that I keep a lot of stuff that I have no intention of ever using!  

You would not believe how much of Rags hair I have.  Before I had to put him down, I cut his tail so I could have something to remember him by.  I think I still have a huge chunk of tail, just sitting there, in a plastic bin.  But, I can't pull myself together enough to actually throw it out, so it just sits there.  Along with his halter, old lead rope and old bridle bag.  I can pretty much guarantee that I will never use these things or display them.  I already have a ton of pictures and a shadow box for Rags, but I think H3LL will freeze over before I throw those things out. 

I also have a bunch of picture frames.  I bought the picture frames with every intention of - well - framing pictures. However, I never got around to finding the "right" pictures, and life got busy so I just threw them in the bottom of a closet.  Well, years later, they are still in the bottom of the closet and I still have no intention of using them. 

So, anyway, all of Rags' Stuff is back in the storage bin in a storage locker.  Although, I was good.  The rest of the stuff - empty electronic boxes for when I eventually move again, photo frames sitting on the floor of the closet... all that stuff is on craigslist or in the garbage.  I've come to the conclusion that even though I know I'll be moving again in the next few years I don't need to put my nice stereo equipment back in its original box.  I can put it in other boxes and it will all be just fine....

But I did gain a TON of storage space. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Horses and Dogs

By now you should have figured out I love horses and Dogs... Therefore I love this pictures. :)

The Madison Ironman - 9/11/11

My dad and brother just finished an ironman.  Baiscally, they are nuts and I think they should be committed to an insane asylym, but thats just cuz I have no desire to torture myself like that.

I wanted to share my day at the ironman.

Just some stats to start out.  Approx 2800 people were registered. 1000 first time iron man athletes.  The youngest was 18, oldest 74. 

So, Mom and I woke up and enjoyed a nice breakfast.  We took a shuttle to the main part of the race and figured out the best place to watch the bikers.  Unfortunately they did not give us good directions so when we got back I tried to input an intersection that I thought was close to a bunch of hills. 

Well, turns out I did REAL good.  Mom and I hung out there for about 5 hours.  We were at the top of a big hill near a turn so we got to see the bikers for at least 15 seconds.  (lol) We had no idea what mile we were at (turns out it was ~ mile 50) so we just watched and waited for my bro and dad to show up.  We also had no idea what they were wearing, so it was quite difficult.  My brother almost rode right past us without noticing us even though we were yelling and screaming.  It also looked like he almost fell off his bike trying to ask us if Dad was behind or ahead of him.  (I'm sure he will say he didn't almost fell, but it looked that way.  And Dad was behind)  For several hours before we saw my brother, we cheered on hundreds of other bikers.  We also saw the lead biker and his "entourage" as they rode by.

Somehow, we almost missed Dad (about 30 minutes behind my bro).  He was actually the one who noticed us instead of the other way around.  We found out later, (the next day) that Dad actually had a flat tire at the beginning of the race.  Turns out one of his spares (he has 2) also had a hole in it so after Dad changed his flat he rode almost the entire 112 miles with no spare tire.  Quite a scary thing in the middle of the race.  We had planned to stay at that location for a while since the bikers rode past us twice.  However late in the day we decided to wait for the boys at the bike finish line. 

I guess Madison is "infamous" for this, but I just think this is CRUEL.  The runners have to run up the parking lot helix after the swim to change into biking gear.  Then they have to bike down it (not that big of a deal, but kinda scary.)  HOWEVER, after 112 miles of biking, the course designer thought it would be a nice touch to make the bikers bike up this.  As if the hundreds of excruciating hills aren't enough, they have to add a terrible helix at the end of it.  You would not believe how many bikers complained that they were getting dizy.  I was not surprised.  Lets add dehydration, extreme fatigue, circles and a ramp and see how many bikers will complete it.    My brother completed this with what looked like no problem.  (Later we found out he was vomiting almost the entire bike ride.... fun times)  He then went to change into his running gear.  At this point Dad was about 1 hour behind my bro, so we decided to meet my brother at the start of the marathon race.  We took a few pictures and cheered them on before returning to the helix to wait for Dad.

It got to be 5:15 and all of a sudden all of these ironman volunteers came out to the helix.  Turns out if you don't cross the finish line by 5:30 they don't allow you to run the marathon.  Dad still had not finished the bike part so Mom and I were stressing.  Every single biker that got close to the helix was cheered on and we were hoping it was Dad.  FINALLY with 3 minutes to spare he rode up.  He reached the bottom of the helix, got off his bike and stopped.  I ran down the helix and started cheering him on along with all the other volunteers.  After much encouragement Dad finally started running with his bike up the helix.  He ended up finishing the bike with 2 minutes to spare, but immediately collapsed after crossing the finish line and told us he wasn't going to do the marathon, that he quit.  It took us about 30 minutes to persuade him to keep going.  It was 6:00 when Dad started the marathon.  Normally 6 hours to do a marathon wouldn't be too bad, but after 114 miles... its hard to walk let alone RUN a marathon.  I calculated that Dad had to run an approximate 13.5 minute mile.  What I deamed almost impossible for Dad in his fatigued shape. 

Mom and I grabbed the boys bikes and personal items and brought them back to the hotel.  We then walked to the marathon at the 4, 10, 17 and 21 mile point.  The marathon course is extremely boring... you have to make 4 loops on the same roads... But that's ok, we got to see the boys several times.  The first time I saw Dad on the marathon track, I had realized he was keeping ~ 13.25 minute mile.  I power-walked with Dad up the hill and told him I was going to stay until he crossed the finish line (instead of leaving at 10 PM like I originally wanted to.). By the time we saw Dad, my brother had already reached the halfway point on the marathon, so we made our way to the finish line.  By the time we got there, Michael hadn't reached the last checkpoint (4 miles to the finish) before the end.  So Mom and I started walking down the path trying to see the boys.  About 9:30, Mom and I decided that I was going to walk down the path to try to find my brother and Dad.  So I started walking, hoping to cheer them on to the finish line.  Less than a mile from the finish I saw my brother.  I power-walked with him for a while, and tried to convince him to keep up the pace for the last mile.  Later I found out that he ran the last mile because of my encouragement finishing 69th in his age group. 

After I passed my bro, I saw this guy during the marathon.  He was wearing the full fireman outfit.  I didn't take a picture, but I can vouch for him.  Such dedication.

I ended up walking ~ 4 miles through the marathon looking for Dad.  At 10:45 I turned around so I could meet back with Mom and 11:30.  I had no sign from Dad, couldn't find him.  I thought for sure that he was not going to finish.  At 11:45 (the race ENDS at midnight) there was still no sign of Dad so Mom asked me to go get the car for the boys who will be too tired to walk.  I guess 5 minutes after I left, Mom found Dad with about 0.5 miles to go.  She cheered him on, as well as the crowd.  The crowd started shouting for him to go, and soon the finish line was in site.  The crowd started counting down.  Dad had seconds to cross the finish line, or get a DNF (Did Not Finish)... 10... 9... 8... 7...

Dad was officially the last person to finish the Ironman with seconds to spare.  (I guess the clock was 35 seconds fast so he really finished with 40 seconds to spare opposed to 5 seconds he was told.  His time was later adjusted.) Dad ended up finishing 63rd in his age group. 

2800 started the race.  Only 2242 finished. 

The race was extremely stressful for us.  The entire time Mom and I were worried they were stuck somewhere or couldn't finish.  Its not like the athletes run or bike with cell phones to call if there are problems.  We saw injuries, men and women who could barely walk, terrible sunburn... basically a ton of bad stuff.

My brother suffered from (thankfully) mild dehydration, and Dad came out of the race with only extremely fatigue. 

Congrats guys... You are Ironmen.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dog Friendly Bar in Chicago

Bonus Post!!

I just found out about this promotion a nearby bar is doing.  Is it bad how SUPER excited I am about this!?  Dog Friendly Bar I can't wait to bring Dublin there. :) I've never been to this bar, nor have I ever heard anything about it.  But come on, who would not like to drink with their dog.  I've been waiting to hear about a dog friendly bar since we first got Dublin.  I can't say I spent a lot of time looking for one.  I mean C and I have been super busy the entire summer.  But now that I found one, I can't wait to visit it.  I will post pictures as soon as we go. :)

Real Musical Talent

Its been a while.  I left on Friday to drive to St Louis and came back yesterday.  C and I went to visit his family and also watch the Brewers play the Cardinals (Brewers won btw.)  But, that is where I've been.

This morning I saw this video.  Real Talent I have no idea who this girl is, but seriously, she is AMAZING. Honestly, I am not a fan of a lot of today's music.  I mean, I like to listen to it, but I don't think the artists are very talented.  I think their song writers and publicists are very talented, but I feel like the actual singer is just a voice/image.

Until I saw the girl in this video.  I feel real bad for her.  She has more talent in her little pinky than a lot of pop stars have in their whole body.  I wish people like her would be given the chance at a contract.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Glass Art

I guess you could say I really enjoy non-traditional "paintings."  Or perhaps a better description is 2D sculpture.  In addition to the Copper art at Irish Fest (See previous Post) I loved the glass "paintings."  I don't know how to describe the Copper or Glass Art without calling them paintings.  In actuality, they are flat wall hangings (framed) which are etched into a design.  Therefore the glass art is a large piece of glass that has a design etched into it, thus creating a "painting" similar to a black and white painting.

The vender at Irish Fest had a small amount of Celtic Art, but also had a ton of Non-Irish ways he could create something for you.  My favorite "painting" is of the tree of life. Website Here I absolutely love how intricate and detailed this design is.  Also the meaning behind the picture is fantastic.  Unfortunately, I have extremely expensive taste and this piece is out of my budget.  So I have two ideas.  I plan to contact the artist to see if his non-fest prices are more reasonable.  Or, I'll wait to buy it when I have more money and am not trying to save for a downpayment on a house.

To be honest, I have no idea what makes me think or believe I'll have more money later in life.  Especially if I buy a house and buy a "fixer-upper" (which is what I expect is the only thing I'll be able to afford as a first home.)

But anyway, I am also in love with the wedding invitation keepsake.  (No one who attends a wedding with me is allowed to give this gift.  This is now my new favorite wedding gift, so don't steal it!)  So, if you can't really see below, the artists creates a framed "painting" with all the verb-age that is on the wedding invite.