Monday, September 19, 2011

I guess I keep a lot of stuff...

So.  C and I spent the weekend clearing out junk.  I've learned that I keep a lot of stuff that I have no intention of ever using!  

You would not believe how much of Rags hair I have.  Before I had to put him down, I cut his tail so I could have something to remember him by.  I think I still have a huge chunk of tail, just sitting there, in a plastic bin.  But, I can't pull myself together enough to actually throw it out, so it just sits there.  Along with his halter, old lead rope and old bridle bag.  I can pretty much guarantee that I will never use these things or display them.  I already have a ton of pictures and a shadow box for Rags, but I think H3LL will freeze over before I throw those things out. 

I also have a bunch of picture frames.  I bought the picture frames with every intention of - well - framing pictures. However, I never got around to finding the "right" pictures, and life got busy so I just threw them in the bottom of a closet.  Well, years later, they are still in the bottom of the closet and I still have no intention of using them. 

So, anyway, all of Rags' Stuff is back in the storage bin in a storage locker.  Although, I was good.  The rest of the stuff - empty electronic boxes for when I eventually move again, photo frames sitting on the floor of the closet... all that stuff is on craigslist or in the garbage.  I've come to the conclusion that even though I know I'll be moving again in the next few years I don't need to put my nice stereo equipment back in its original box.  I can put it in other boxes and it will all be just fine....

But I did gain a TON of storage space. :)

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