Friday, January 27, 2012

I joined a gym, and Um... I'm WEAK.

I saw a picture of me as a Sophomore in College and I got depressed.  I used to be SOOO thin!  I don't mean to be cocky, but I looked HOT.  So I decided I would try to loose 20 lbs... My mom even has helped me with this... we have a bet that if I loose 20 lbs by my cousins wedding she gives me $100... if I don't... well... I give her $100.

This is why joined a gym.  I want to look like I was 7 years ago.  Granted, 7 years ago, I could barely afford to eat, I hated dorm food (I LOVED the salad bar, but that was pretty much it), and I had to walk ~ 1 mile to classes every day (I also made that trek multiple times a day since I always went back to the dorms between classes).  But, thats besides the point.

A few weeks ago I joined a gym and have been going with 2 friends of mine a few times a week.  (Yesterday was the first day I played hookey from the gym!!)  I do ~ 1 hour of strength and 20 minutes of cardio... I HATE cardio. Little did I know I sorta enjoy lifting. 

A few weeks ago was the first time I EVER lifted weights... I mean I've picked up dumbbells before, but I've never done reps or sets or anything.  Thankfully, the 2 friends of mine who weight lift with me are very experienced.  They've taught me a bunch.  I may not have proper form, but I'm trying to learn.  When I bench press-ed for the first time, I could bench "the bar" however I could not do 3 sets... it was (I mean IS) pretty pathetic. 

I alternate between Chest and Tri, Shoulders and Abs, Legs, and Back and Bi. I've done Chest and Tri 3 days... Next time I do Chest and Tri, I plan on attempting "the bar."  We'll see how that goes.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Funny Notifications

So.  I was going to blog about my first experience using double coupons, but this is way more entertaining.  But, I have to give credit to my boyfriend for this one.

I also have to give 9GAG the original credit.  You can see 9GAG's original post here.

Its just this reminded me so much of my letter I blogged about to my Chicago Tribune thief

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I love free food... Haha.

Want a free breakfast?

Go Here

Corner Bakery's are offering a Breakfast Thin for FREE if you sign up and make a reservation. 

I have no idea what a "Power Panini Thin" is (which is the only thing they are offering for free).  I've searched the Corner Bakery website and tried to find nutritional info online.  Unfortunately I have had no success. It looks like low carb bread with eggs, cheese and bacon. 

I signed up for Monday morning.  :) I have tried VERY hard to have a real breakfast every morning I work out (usually Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays).  So this just means I will have one less day to make breakfast. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Can you please move towards the center of the train"

Quite frequently when the train is crowded someone will ask everyone to scrunch together so they can fit on the train.  Personally, I hate this and I think it is very self-centered and rude.  However I don't say anything.  I continue to read my book and just think happy thoughts. 

Today, someone tapped me on the shoulder interrupting my nook.  She said "Can you please move forward."  I had a rather obnoxious gym bag with me on the El, and I absolutely hate it when people's gym bags or briefcases touch me, so I purposefully kept a few inches between me and the next person.  I figured I was being nice.  I told the lady "No, there are only a few inches, I can not move.  Perhaps the people who are trying to get on the train should take the next one."  I used to get on the train at this station.  I know how crowded the train is at this station.  I also know that whenever I used this stop I would sometimes have to wait 2 or 3 trains because they were full.  So when the lady said "Everyone is just trying to get somewhere on time, they can't wait for the next one."  I was surprised.  I told her "Perhaps the people who live at this stop should plan for a crowded train and arrive at the station earlier... or be late." She didn't really like that answer, but I didn't move. 

Honestly, it really annoys me when people push themselves on the train.  Is your world really going to end if you are 10 minutes late?  Do you really have to be so self centered to inconvenience a ton of people?  To the people who are rude and forced themselves on the train by squishing into people... I'm really sorry if your late, but wake up earlier... I HATE waking up.  I would much rather sleep in every day.  However if you have someplace to be and you must be ontime, then plan for it.  Arrive at the train early.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There IS such thing as a free lunch

Go to Panda Express on Jan 23 to get a free lunch with this coupon.  Click Here You can get a free Firecracker Chicken Breast to celebrate the start of the Chinese New Year.

The Firecracker Chicken is fairly good for you as far as Calories and Fat 240/10, however it has 1080 mg of sodium, so watch out for the rest of the day. 

If you just drink water for lunch, you can really walk away from here without spending a dime.

Happy (in a few days) Chinese New Year!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dogs, Horses and Humans are the most abused

Dogs, Horses and Humans... If you think about it they always come back and appologize for doing something wrong.  "I'm so sorry you had to beat me..."  They hang their head low, and come back. 

Video here

I thought this video was very interesting about dog training, but that comment was my favorite.  And its so true.  I've been involved in horses, and now dogs.  Animal abuse is so abundant (especially in horses and dogs) and makes me want to cry. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Free Showtime this weekend!!!

Friday Jan 6th to Sunday the 8th certain Cable providers are providing Free Showtime. :) Dexter is possibly one of my favorite shows of all time.  If I didn't already have a $95 cable bill I would consider adding showtime, however since I can buy a season of Dexter for $30 or less, it just doesn't make sense to me.

However, free is always nice.