Friday, January 27, 2012

I joined a gym, and Um... I'm WEAK.

I saw a picture of me as a Sophomore in College and I got depressed.  I used to be SOOO thin!  I don't mean to be cocky, but I looked HOT.  So I decided I would try to loose 20 lbs... My mom even has helped me with this... we have a bet that if I loose 20 lbs by my cousins wedding she gives me $100... if I don't... well... I give her $100.

This is why joined a gym.  I want to look like I was 7 years ago.  Granted, 7 years ago, I could barely afford to eat, I hated dorm food (I LOVED the salad bar, but that was pretty much it), and I had to walk ~ 1 mile to classes every day (I also made that trek multiple times a day since I always went back to the dorms between classes).  But, thats besides the point.

A few weeks ago I joined a gym and have been going with 2 friends of mine a few times a week.  (Yesterday was the first day I played hookey from the gym!!)  I do ~ 1 hour of strength and 20 minutes of cardio... I HATE cardio. Little did I know I sorta enjoy lifting. 

A few weeks ago was the first time I EVER lifted weights... I mean I've picked up dumbbells before, but I've never done reps or sets or anything.  Thankfully, the 2 friends of mine who weight lift with me are very experienced.  They've taught me a bunch.  I may not have proper form, but I'm trying to learn.  When I bench press-ed for the first time, I could bench "the bar" however I could not do 3 sets... it was (I mean IS) pretty pathetic. 

I alternate between Chest and Tri, Shoulders and Abs, Legs, and Back and Bi. I've done Chest and Tri 3 days... Next time I do Chest and Tri, I plan on attempting "the bar."  We'll see how that goes.

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