Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm "That" Dog Owner

Yeah... I'm totally that owner.  The dog owner who talks about their dog all the time, puts their dog pictures on facebook, feels bad leaving the dog... Yeah. I'm that owner.

Dog's "Manhood" is infected.  He has to wear a Cone of Shame.  And, since Dog is not trustworthy in the house alone, we have to lock him up in his crate.  So there he is, wearing the cone of shame, barely able to turn around in his crate, and my mom offers to dog sit for a few days.  She said we could drop him off Wednesday night, and then we would pick him up Friday night.  He would get to be out of his crate Thursday and Friday.  Dog would still have to wear his cone, but instead of barely being able to move, he would get to run, and jump, and play, a piss off my parents Dog (an 8 year old beagle who doesn't have the energy to play with puppies).

I told Mom yes... Then a few hours later I told her no... I would miss Dog!  I only get to see him at night since I work all day, and I didn't want to give up my time with him for 2 days... So, Yes... I'm that dog owner.

Sorry. :-/

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Admin (Secretary) Day

It’s Secretary's day; or as they like call it in the PC era "Administrative Professional's" Day. I know they are under appreciated, but, I'm a "worker bee," the grunt of my job, the one who does all the work and gets none of the credit.  Where is my day?  Honestly, if it weren't for people like me, the company wouldn't exist! And unfortunately, I don't get any recognition... Maybe its just the company I work at, but I want a day too.  I want people to get me a 2 cent card that says "Hey, thanks for doing your job."  Because isn't that what we do for the Admins?  We get them a 2 cent card and $5 gift card to the coffee shop and say "Hey, Thanks for doing your job."  I think it’s ridiculous.

And... Now that I think about it.... Isn't there a Boss's Day?!?!?! WTF?  Why isn't there a worker-bee day????

Monday, April 25, 2011

Paranoid Dog Owner

Apparently I am a paranoid dog owner.... Dog's... "manhood" was red and pussy.  He also kept licking himself.  So I took the day off of work (I also am getting sick) and took him to the vet.

The vet nurse was interesting... he seemed nice, but well... I hate gages. I think its disgusting.  But I am not sure which is worse; ears with gages in them, or ears without gages in them.  It was soooooo disgusting.  The vet nurse/tech had gigantic holes in his ears where the gages used to be.  I had to try to force myself not to stare at his ears.  But like I said, overall he was a nice guy.  Loved my dog. :) Its just his ears reminded me of the song... "Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro..." And yes, his ears DID wobble...

The verdict at the vet was, apparently, Dog doesn't have any infections, he just is overly licking himself.  The vet said its a circle... manhood itches, then he licks, but overly licks makes it aggravated (think chapped lips) then he licks cuz it hurts but licking makes it more aggravated....Well, you get the picture.

Anyway, the vet gave me ointment... and a "coller of shame."  So, I have to put ointment on his "manhood."  Not that big of a deal, I quickly got over it.

I feel really bad for Dog about the collar of shame... he keeps walking into things, can't walk up stairs (we live on the 3rd floor) and has a very difficult time getting in and out of the car as well as on and off the sofa (he is spoiled).  Oh well, it is a bit amusing for me to watch.  Am I a bad dog owner if I can't help but chuckle when he does something funny in the collar?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dog - Part 2

First, I'm going to change D's name to Dog.  C is still going to be my boyfriend.  He told me I can refer to him as Amadeus, but I don't like that nickname... 


So Last I wrote about getting Dog, we had just arrived at the 3rd shelter, a No-Kill shelter.  The shelter I *Didn't* want to get a dog at.  C and I walked around.  Looking at all the dogs.  Some of the dogs were super cute, but most of the ones I liked were puppies.  And I didn't want a puppy.... I wanted a female, 1 year old, curly haired dog. 

One of the main reasons, C and I didn't want a puppy was energy.  We live in an apartment, and didn't want a dog that would require a lot of exercise, since, that really wasn't an option without a backyard.
We walked through almost all the dogs when I saw Dog.  He was 6 months old, a boy, non curley hair, but I fell in love (even though he was nothing like my list of wants).  He was gorgeous!  He was way too young for us, but he was the most docile puppy we have ever seen.

He was kenneled with a 3 year old Jack Russel Terrier (JRT).  The JRT was kinda.... well... mean!  He kempt humping Dog!  I was horrified, but Dog just sat there and "took it." Of course, the fact that he didn't care made me fall in love with Dog even more.  C and I walked in the kennel with a volunteer, I kept pushing the JRT off of Dog.  Eventually we decided to take Dog to the "play area" so we didn't have to get the JRT off Dog every 30 seconds. 

We played fetch with Dog a bit, he would jog after the ball, look at it, and then come running back to C and I to get attention and scratches.  We all figured Dog had a rough life, and just wanted love.  C and I joked that when we took him to meet my parents Beagle, they would both just stare at eachother.  (My parents beagle is VERY mellow)

So, considering the 6 month old had the best personality, looked to be a big lapdog, and was just the most lovable dog ever, we decided to adopt him.  The next available adoption concelor couldn't see us for about 45 minutes, so C and I walked over to petco (conveniently located across the street) and started to buy our supplies.  I bought -
1 Crate with removable divider
2 Bowls
1 Leash (Never even used it)
Dog Food
Billy Jack Liver Treats
1 Kong
and a few toys

While I was in the checkout line, I noticed I had a missed call from the shelter.  I ran outside and asked C to put everything in the car without me.  (Lucky him.  We purposefully brought the small car because I REALLY didn't want to get a dog here.  I thought if we brought the small car, I wouldn't be ABLE to get a dog because we couldn't fit all the supplies in it.  That didn't deter me... at all)

I ran across the street, and started talking to the adoption counselor.  C came shortly afterward and we recapped everything.  The adoption counselor tried to talk us out of it (Apparently he does this will all the dogs).  He told us puppies are a lot of work, but I didn't care.  This puppy was going to be the most well behaved dog ever!  We got the diamond in the rough, (Or so I thought) so, C and I finished the paperwork. 

After the paperwork was all finished, and Dog was officially mine (unless I decided before 2 weeks that I wanted to "return" him) they handed over the leash.  This was when Dog coughed.... once. C and I weren't worried; we played with Dog for about 30 minutes, and he didn't cough once. However, since the shelter gave us 1 free office visit at a nearby vet, we decided to go straight to the vet instead of going home.  So we took Dog to the vet.

First of all, this was the WORST vets office I have EVER (even to this day) seen.  The floors were STICKY and gross, the rooms were unwelcoming and cold.  I mean seriously, I am a person, and the office scared me!  The vet ended up giving us some antibiotics, saying Dog has Kennel Cough.  My favorite part was the fact that she said "Oh, you know that spot on his nose... That might be an auto-immune disease."  I just looked at her. I mean seriously, your telling me I just bought a dog that is going to die soon?  Awesome...

We went home after that, and set up Dogs place.  He was very docile, and just wanted to sleep all evening.  We made sure he had water, and gave him dinner.  Unfortunately, Dog wasn't hungry so he didn't eat.  C and I assumed Dog was nervous, so we didn't fret.

Probably a bad decision, but we invited 2 friends over to see my new addition to my family.  (Hindsight is 20/20) The meeting went just fine.  Dog was alittle weary of the guy that came over, and fine with the girl that came over.  Our friends left early, and we put Dog to bed.  He still hadn't eaten any dinner, but we thought it was fine.  We gave him a Kong filled with peanut butter when we put him to bed in hopes the treat would distract him from his loneliness.  I had gone through a dog adjusted to a new house before, and new it was usually rough.

Lets just say, Dog did NOT like his crate.  Dog ended up howling and crying ALL night.  I half expected this, but it didn't make it any easier. 
I woke up around 7:00 AM and tried to give him his dinner from the night before, he wasn't interested.  I also noticed he didn't even touch his peanut butter filled Kong.  Then I took him for a walk and he went potty outside.  I told him "Good boy" and gave him a liver treat.  He ended up turning the liver treat down.  I thought I had the one dog in the world who didn't like liver treats or peanut butter.

I was starting to get stressed.  I also was having a gut feeling that Dog was misdiagnosed at the first vet. Unfortunately, I would find out later that day, that I was 100% right....

To Be Continued.

Friday, April 22, 2011


D is officially (sorta) 1 year old today!!!

The shelter got D on 11/22/10.  He was approximately 6 months old, so they decided his birthday was going to be 4/22. Hense his sorta, officially 1 year old.

Apparently Catahoula Leopard Dogs (CLD) do not mature until they are 2 years old... So I don't really think anything will change.  He still acts like a puppy.  In fact, I met a 6 year old CLD and she had as much energy as D does.  Thats ok, I should be able to have a running partner for quite a long time. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Dog - Part 1

I never talked about my Dog.  This is a super long story, so it will probably be broken up into a few posts.

It all started with my boyfriend, C, trying to get me the perfect Christmas Present. He is a perfectionist when it comes to getting me gifts.  For my birthday, he bought me a watch, and took me to an AMAZING fondu restaurant.  When we got to the restaurant, I saw a beautiful "centerpiece" and didn't realize they were flowers for me until I saw the card.  At that point, I told C there was no way he could top my birthday.  (Let's just say I haven't dated very many thoughtful guys)  C told me he could top my birthday, and he was going to.  So when Christmas came, and he said "I'm going to get you a dog for Christmas," I was SUPER excited!

We spent our "Stay at Home Weekend" looking for dogs, when we were supposed to lock the doors and watch movies all day.  We both had spent an annoyingly busy summer and fall, and had to start scheduling "Do nothing weekends" in order to have some time at home.  C offered up his weekend so we could find a dog.

Over the whole week, I researched dogs and tried to find out what kind of dog I wanted.  This was my list:
1 year or older
Short Hair - No shedding - Possibly Curly Hair
Low Energy
Approximately 50 lbs

I also spent the week trying to find rescues to visit.  My list was as follows.
Take the El to Dog Shelter 1, Walk to Shelter 2, El to shelter 3.  Take the El home, and Drive to the only Kill shelter on the list.  I wanted to get a dog at a Kill Shelter because that way I felt like we were actually saving a dog.  I thought that by going to the 3 shelters before, I could get an idea of what I wanted.

The night before we planned to go, it snowed.... a lot.  I decided that C and I would drive to all the shelters.  It was a good thing because I must have wrote down the wrong address because we couldn't find the first shelter.  The 2nd shelter happened to be the address for the doggy day care place where the shelter dogs frequent not an actual shelter.  That happens a lot in Chicago.  Since land is so expensive, a lot of the shelters have most (if not all) of their dogs in foster homes, and have "adoption events" at petco or something where they can be adopted out.  Unfortunately, I didn't know that.

The 3rd Shelter was a very popular No-Kill shelter in Chicago.  This was the first shelter we had been to that day, that actually had dogs.  I told C, I don't want to get a dog here, I want to get one from a kill shelter.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen... (To Be Continued)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Go to your Place

D is learning "go to your place." The first step is just giving him a treat every time he steps on his blanket. Last night, it went something like this:

C and I were making dinner. D came over to see what was going on and walked on his blanket. Me - "Good boy D!" (Give treat)
D - (WTF?)

Of course he ate the treat, but he had no idea what he did right. I could literally see the wheels turning wondering how he can repeat this process to get more treats.