Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm "That" Dog Owner

Yeah... I'm totally that owner.  The dog owner who talks about their dog all the time, puts their dog pictures on facebook, feels bad leaving the dog... Yeah. I'm that owner.

Dog's "Manhood" is infected.  He has to wear a Cone of Shame.  And, since Dog is not trustworthy in the house alone, we have to lock him up in his crate.  So there he is, wearing the cone of shame, barely able to turn around in his crate, and my mom offers to dog sit for a few days.  She said we could drop him off Wednesday night, and then we would pick him up Friday night.  He would get to be out of his crate Thursday and Friday.  Dog would still have to wear his cone, but instead of barely being able to move, he would get to run, and jump, and play, a piss off my parents Dog (an 8 year old beagle who doesn't have the energy to play with puppies).

I told Mom yes... Then a few hours later I told her no... I would miss Dog!  I only get to see him at night since I work all day, and I didn't want to give up my time with him for 2 days... So, Yes... I'm that dog owner.

Sorry. :-/

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