Friday, August 26, 2011

Motivation Date

Well, I know C is probably going to hate this post but, I had a great boyfriend. :) I blogged a few days ago (see post here) about needing motivation to work out.  I made a deal with myself that if I work out approximately 3 times a week I can buy myself a Keratin treatment on my hair.  Well, C sweetened the deal.  He gave me a bunch of "coupons" for dates.  I have to work out 10 times in order to get 1 free date.  So, assuming I stay to the whole 3 times a week thing, That should translate to about 1 date a month.  Also, considering C gave me 10 plus coupons, this should get me past the "I hate working out and being in pain" phase.

Personally I have never experienced getting beyond this phase, but people have told me that after you exercise for a particular length of time, your body starts to crave the endorphins.  Once you reach this point (supposedly) you actually enjoy working out.  I really hope this is true, opposed to some cruel lie everyone says so they can point and laugh at out-of-shape people trying to work out. 

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