Friday, July 22, 2011

Great videos

I'm one of the few people who has always had a soft spot for JT.  Even back in the day when he was with 'N Sync.  I was that teenage girl who bought all of the 'N Sync CD's, even the Christmas albums.  Haha.  I know I had strange taste in music, lets just say it has changed since then.

I saw this video a few days ago and it made me like him even more. History of Rap - Part 2  When a friend of mine had sent me this link I had never seen History of Rap Part 1, but I didn't know what I was missing.  Justin could really dance and watching Jimmy dance... was... well... comical. Haha. Jimmy dances like such a white guy.

To be 100% honest, I never even heard about History of Rap Part 1.  I'm not very "clued" into the viral videos.  My boyfriend usually is the one who tells me about all the cool new things to watch.  There was this one time when C told me to watch these two videos, and then the next day while I was driving Dog to daycare I heard the radio station talk about them and how they are the new hot viral video. 

Some more of my favorite videos are - REAL talent
Seriously - this Australian guy is AMAZING.  And to think, he learned that all without any formal training!

I also love anything similar to this -Smooth Criminal
I think its so cool when musicians play current or popular music on orchestra instruments.  It sounds so cool.

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