Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun Saturday Morning

So.  I had a wonderfully eventful Saturday morning.  It all started with Dog needing to go out in the morning.  This normally is not that big of a deal.  I woke up at 9:30 and grabbed C's phone because mine needed to charge.  I get to the front door and see a bunch of white stuff on the floor.  At first I'm completely confused and then I look up and notice that ceiling is leaking (again) and whats on the floor is drywall.

C's phone does not have the phone numbers that I need to call in order to get this matter resolved, so I go back into the bedroom and grab my cell phone.  Then, I close the door behind me because I don't want Dog to wake C up.  I grab Dogs leash and my phone and walk out of the house.  As soon as the door closes I realize I had just locked myself out of the apartment.  In my fluster-ness I had completely forgotten to grab my keys.

I ended up calling the condo manager (since its their $$$ that will be spent opposed to my landlords).  The condo manager basically says "that sucks," and then tells me the roofer can't get out until Monday.  Awesome... great...

I call C's phone immediately after, along with the house phone.  I know its a long shot that C will hear it, but I'm hoping (and praying) he will get up and hear it.  After our 30 min walk, I go back in the condo building and try to knock on the door and get C to wake up.  No luck.

I sit on the floor, in front of our door for another 30 min or so.  I'm checking my email and updating facebook, which in hindsight is real stupid since I didn't have much battery on my phone.  After another 10 phone calls and some more knocking, I take Dog for another 30 min walk.  Only to return to sitting on the floor.... again.  Dog was pretty cute.  He would frequently walk over to the door, stick his nose at the bottom and try to figure out what was going on.  Then he would look at me and whine.  I am sure Dog had NO idea why he wasn't allowed inside.  Poor guy.

After 3 walks and 2.5 hours I was getting stir crazy.  It was past noon!  I did not know a day when C slept this late.  I looked up the local locksmith on my phone.  I eventually got transferred to a technician who told me he could be at my apt in about 30 minutes and it would cost me ~ $100.  See, the thing is, I know Chicago roads.  If he told me 30 minutes (because he was at a house currently), unless he was less than 2 miles away it was going to take longer than 30 min.  And that's assuming he was about to "wrap it up" at the current house.  Trust me, our few mile drive to the highway usually takes about 30 min.  Its only supposed to take like 10, but there are so many cars it takes 3 times as long. 

So, considering how gigantic Chicago is I didn't trust this guy that he would be here in 30 minutes.  So I told him to forget it, and then I just sat, and waited.... 10 minutes later I tried the house phone again.  The house phone picked up, and thinking it was the voicemail, I hung up.  That was when I realized it was not the voicemail, but a real human!!  Dear god I was so happy.  I called the phone back, and all I could say was "Open up the front door."  C was like "I can't."  "I'm in the hall right now, just open up the door to the hallway."

So, after over 2.5 hours, I finally was let back inside the apartment.  Unfortunately, C had to deal with the wrath of me after I got back inside.  I tried SUPER hard not to be a B*tch... but ... I had wasted my entire morning!

After getting mad at C (for no reason) and then apologizing and then getting mad and then apologizing, I took an hour long hot shower.  I emerged, decided I was going to be a good girl, and started making the peanut butter rice crispy treats I had to make for a party later on.  C returned from the store about 10 min later and returned with some beautiful flowers.  :)  I didn't deserve the flowers at all, I was a huge mean person to C even though I tried real hard to be nice.  Its not like I was mad at him, I was just upset and cranky. 

Anyway, thanks babe for bringing me flowers.  I know I didn't deserve them, but they definitely turned my day around. :) <3

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