Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Icey Windshield in a Rental

Honestly, I've been pretty lucky.  Today (Wednesday) was the first real cold day here in Pittsburgh.  However, last night was REAL cold.  Cold enough to make all the car windows frosty.  And that is the start of my problem.

But back to the beginning of the story.  I woke up and got ready for work.  I went to the cafe area (like I have been every morning) in my hotel and got my complimentary coffee.  As I went outside to get to my car I realized I could see my breath and there was a TON of frost on every single car in the lot.  I began to wonder if my rental car came with an ice scraper.

Even though I may not be able to drive well in the snow, I have dealt with frost quite often and I know what to do.  So I immediately turn on the car, blast the defroster (including the rear defroster) and start searching for the ice scraper I'm praying the car has.

Of course I can not find an ice scraper, so I got back into the car and sat there until the defroster began to work.

About 30 minutes go by until I finally admitted to myself that the defrosters and heaters in the car do not work.  I can still see my breath in the car, and there has been NO progress on defrosting my windshield.

So I went outside and try to find someone who does not look like they are in a hurry.  I see this gentleman and I walk up to him and explain my situation and ask if he has an ice scraper.  He explains that he does and he'll bring it right over.

Of course he managers to scrape off all the ice in about 3 minutes and I thank him profusely.  Unfortunately the entire endeavor made me about 45 minutes late for work and when I finally did arrive I was frozen to the bone.

I'm calling Avis in a little bit... we will see how that goes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So the heat in the car wasn't working either?!