The bench seats are finally done. :) I think they may nead another coat of stain in order to match the kitchen cabinets, but I don't think I care that much right now.
If you want to read about building the bench seats - go here. I used some heavy duty upholstery type fabric for the seat cushions and I went shopping online for the foam. I was at Jo-Ann's and wasn't not about to pay $90 for foam. Who knew foam was so expensive?? I didn't! I ended up getting the foam from "" and found the foam for $32 with shipping. Much more reasonable. And the foam was just what I needed.
I installed zippers on the "back" side of the cushions so they can be washed if needed.
I bought WAY too much fabric (about twice what I needed) so I may be making little back cushions or some pillows for the basement or something. Oh well. All in all, the bench cushions cost about $55. Not cheap, but it could have been worse. I could have bought cheaper fabric, but I really wanted something bold.
Oh, I think it took ~ 3 hours on the sewing machine to do both cushions. Including the zipper and finishing the edges. VERY quick project. :)
Monday, September 8, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
We flooded again - Sh*t happens.
Don't worry, I spared the graphic details. You can ask us about those in person.
My parents came over yesterday to help with the basement. We finished painting the basement bathroom. Touched up some paint spots, and started painting the ceiling in the basement. We also installed the outlets and covers, and did a bunch of small stuff. My dad and brother are making some built-in shelving for the basement so they are really close to finishing that.
The things we had left to do? Install the doors, Install the trim and chair rail, Install the carpet. We also have to paint the shelving that my dad and bro are installing. Then there's the bar. We need to paint and install the cabinets and countertops. And do the flooring in the bathroom and bar area. We also had to install the vanity, sink, toilet and mirror in the bathroom. But essentially we were in the home stretch. Roughly 3 days of work as we were going to pay professionals to install the carpet.
My parents came over yesterday to help with the basement. We finished painting the basement bathroom. Touched up some paint spots, and started painting the ceiling in the basement. We also installed the outlets and covers, and did a bunch of small stuff. My dad and brother are making some built-in shelving for the basement so they are really close to finishing that.
The things we had left to do? Install the doors, Install the trim and chair rail, Install the carpet. We also have to paint the shelving that my dad and bro are installing. Then there's the bar. We need to paint and install the cabinets and countertops. And do the flooring in the bathroom and bar area. We also had to install the vanity, sink, toilet and mirror in the bathroom. But essentially we were in the home stretch. Roughly 3 days of work as we were going to pay professionals to install the carpet.
Here's how it happened.
Mom, Dad and my bro leave our house. C and I decided to order Chinese, so we placed our order and were getting ready to leave the house. I thought something smelled funny in the house, so I followed the smell to the basement, turned on the light, but I didn't see anything. Our washing machine empties into the sump pit, and sometimes the sump pit will smell funny. I just figured I needed to pour more bleach in the pit, which was a "tomorrow problem" so off we went to go pick up the Chinese food.
We came back about 30 minutes later and the smell was MUCH stronger. I knew exactly what happened. I went to the basement and saw a ton of water in the basement. Probably only a few inches, but enough to do some serious damage. I screamed that there is water in the basement, and ran past C to go see why our lift gate (which was inspected 1.5 MAX months ago) did not stop the water. All I know is the man hole had about 2 ft of water in it, and there was no way I was going down there.
April of 2013 when we got the flood, all we had to do to get the lift gate to close was jiggle the handle. So off I went to go find a stick or something long enough to jiggle the rod. Somehow I didn't have shoes on, so here I was running around the yard in socks trying to find something to jiggle the handle. Meanwhile I was frantically calling my parents trying to get them to come back over to the house. Not really sure what they could do, but I still called them. I kept imagining me dropping my phone in the man hole. Thankfully I didn't do that. Anyway, I found a stick, but it was too short. Then I grabbed a hose wand we have, and was able to jiggle the rod a bit. No idea if that helped or not.
Meanwhile, C was in the bathroom, with his foot holding a rag in place where the toilet used to be attempting to stop the water from coming up. It worked, but as soon as he moved his foot, the water would flood back in. So he was stuck where he was. Standing in sewage.
By the time I got down to the basement, the water was not coming up anymore. But by this time the rain had also stopped. The water drained pretty fast, maybe something like 20 minutes later all the water was drained. But the damage was done. Not to mention the smell and the sludge remained.
Of course by this time it was nearing 7 PM on a Saturday. All the insurance companies were closed. Luckily we prepared for this event, and we have double coverage. So reimbursement shouldn't be a problem.
But the cleaner guys will be coming tomorrow. They are going to have to remove 1-2 ft of drywall (insurance companies sometimes require 2 ft removal even though we only got an inch or so of water). And then spray all the studs with a antimicrobial. Then the insurance company should cover replacing the drywall. But I'm not sure about mudding or taping the drywall, painting, nor replacing the interior doors.
We easily are delayed about a month. Insurance companies NEVER pay people quickly.
When the plumbers came out a month ago or so, they said our lift gate was fine, the pipes were fine, and there should be no problems, however we should pay 8k to upgrade our flood protection to a better, newer technology.
Well, I bet you can guess what we are doing now. We have some savings. We were going to go on a vacation this fall to celebrate our 1 year anniversary, but that wont be happening any time soon. I really wanted to go to Tuscany. But shit happens.... (pun intended) I also plan to call the plumbers on Monday to bitch to them. Seriously, this should NOT have happened.
Side note: I did finally get ahold of my parents, and my Dad left their house immediately to come to our house. After he surveyed the damage in the basement Dad and C went to Lowes to get some supplies to plug the toilet so it wont happen again any time soon. Luckily, Dad and C have a great sense of humor so all throughout Lowes they were making poop jokes. Shit happens, Such a shitty day. I don't know the details as I wasn't there, but they had a ton of fun. Hah.
I blame myself for not going to investigate further where the smell was coming from. C blames himself for taking the toilet out yesterday. Perhaps that extra head (engineer term) would have helped prevent backflow.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but this blows.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Bench Seat - Finished - Sorta.
The bench seat is sorta finished! (See previous post here if you want to read about my inspiration for this project.)
Here is the finished product. I have to say, the camera doesn't do this thing justice! And the cabinets and benches are much closer in color than the camera makes it look. The main difference is the cabinets have a protective coating on it, and I didn't put a protective coating on the benches. However, I think I'm going to put polyurethane on it sometime soon. I think the polyurethane will make them look even closer in color. Not to mention it will help protect them if someone spills something on them.
Honestly, I'm THRILLED with how they turned out. I designed everything myself, and my brother and father built them. Lots of hard work. I even have a 3rd bench that will go in the den due to an inexperienced furniture designer. (my fault)
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I love the way the molding turned out. :) Honestly, there isn't much I don't love. Hah.
Now I have to sew some bench covers so that you can sit on the window seats and be comfy.
Did I mention how nice it is to have extra storage?! :)
Monday, May 26, 2014
Organization - Best Idea Ever
What do you do with all your gift wrap, tissue paper, gift bags?
I saw this pin on pinterest - and I have to say its GENIUS! So I started doing it. Now I store most of my wrapping supplies in a convenient bin. :) I still haven't figured out what I want to do with my wrapping paper, but this is great for bags, tissue and bows!
I have to say, the only problem? Right now my bin is too small to store all the bags I have. :-/ Oh well, one of these days I'll get a bigger one. Until then, I have the large, gigantic bags stored next to the bin. At least its better than having to go search for the bags.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Building Corner Bench Seating
So - my brother decided he likes woodworking. He also decided to take some time off from work before he starts medical school. The last thing he decided is he doesn't like to do nothing, so I was able to give him several projects. Including building me corner bench seating in the kitchen. :)
I'm so excited. I can't wait for it to be done. We will get more storage and it will complete the kitchen. Right now the kitchen looks strange, IMO. I don't have any photos of the strange area (probably because the kitchen is always a huge mess) but just trust me. There are 2 windows in the corner and we could not continue the cabinets because the bottom of the window was 2 inches too low.
So, my solution is a window seat. These are photos of the inspiration for my window seat -
The problem was... none of these came with simple plans. So I modified this one with very detailed, amazing PLANS
So that the door was on the top.
I can't wait to post the finished product!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Running - Its hard
So, I've been running for about 3 weeks. It seems like I ran the first block very easily, and now I've got a mental block that I can't run any further. As soon as I got the 1 block down, I upped my running goal by 0.1 mile. And for some reason I spent the past 2 weeks not able to finish 0.5 mile. Today I did it though. Today I ran 0.5 mile without stopping. However, once again, it was slow. I wonder if its better to push yourself to the max, and burn out fast, or run slowely and do distance.
If I stay on this track that means it'll take me 10 more weeks before I can run 1 mile without stopping. That seems like forever away.
This also means, that I've continued on my goal of running. And a long time ago - see post here I made a deal with myself that if I worked out 3 times a week I would allow myself to spend hundreds of dollars on my hair for a keritin treatment. Since its officially been 3 weeks of running a minimum of 3 times a week, I think I will allow myself to schedule an appointment. Although, I also think that between now and the hair appointment, if I don't continue to run 3 times a week I need to only get a trim, not a treatment. Gotta find motivation somehow.
I'm hoping the Keritin treatment will be so amazing that I'll have to continue running so I can continue the treatment. :)
Hm... I think this means I need to go buy new shampoo.
If I stay on this track that means it'll take me 10 more weeks before I can run 1 mile without stopping. That seems like forever away.
This also means, that I've continued on my goal of running. And a long time ago - see post here I made a deal with myself that if I worked out 3 times a week I would allow myself to spend hundreds of dollars on my hair for a keritin treatment. Since its officially been 3 weeks of running a minimum of 3 times a week, I think I will allow myself to schedule an appointment. Although, I also think that between now and the hair appointment, if I don't continue to run 3 times a week I need to only get a trim, not a treatment. Gotta find motivation somehow.
I'm hoping the Keritin treatment will be so amazing that I'll have to continue running so I can continue the treatment. :)
Hm... I think this means I need to go buy new shampoo.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Date Night List!
Most of you know my husband has been in Ohio for 3.5 months for work. BOO! He FINALLY came home last Friday for good. :)
So I'm making a list of possible date nights. :) Suggestions are welcome!
So I'm making a list of possible date nights. :) Suggestions are welcome!
- Jazzin at the Shed
- Alder after dark
- Museum of Science and Industry
- Bowling
- Have a bonfire
- Grill Out
- Game Night
- Paint Ball - Need a group for this
- Bike Ride - Don't own a bike yet.
- Drive in Movie
- Watch a Scary Movie
- Geocashing
- Ravinia
- Have a water gun fight
- Stargazing
- Learn stick shift - unfortunately neither of us know so we'd need a 3rd person... and the car
- Fly a kite and have a picnic with the dog(s)
- Take the dog to the dog beach/park
- Have a netflix marathon
- Visit each restaurant featured on the food network / cooking channel in Chicago -
- Watch the sunset at the beach
- Watch the sunrise at the beach
- Go for a hike w/ the dog.
- Rent a bicycle built for two
- Do a progressive dinner
- Go to the Signature Lounge on the 96th floor on the Hancock.
- Get a photo taken of us in the Great Hall at Union Station
- Photo at Buckingham fountain
- Free concert at Millennium Park
- Watch the Chicago River get dyed green (St Pattys Day)
- Wendella Boat Cruise
- Ride the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier
- Go to that cider bar our MOH told us about (need to look up the name again)
- Go to the Lyric Opera House of Chicago
- Go to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
- See the fireworks at Navy Pier on Wed or Sat during summer
- Get a horse and carriage ride
- Drive around the neighborhood to look at the Christmas Lights
- Sketch out out a blueprint of your dream house
- Make a list of must-haves in your dream home (laundry chute, three car garage, spiral staircase, etc.)
- Plan our 5 year anniversary vacation
- Make a map of places you have been and want to go. Make a list or places and sites to see.
- Paint your own coffee cup at a pottery place
- Cook an exotic meal or cook something we have always wanted to try.
- Play video games all night
- Go for a long drive to nowhere.
- Watch each other’s favorite movies from childhood.
- Take a cooking class
- Go Gokarting
- Play Bingo
- Break out some old board games - think Guess Who, Life, Candy Land, Connect Four, Mancala, Jenga, or Battleship
- Who said date night had to be at night?! Get up and cook a big breakfast together, then climb back into bed to eat it!
- Hire a photographer to take photos of the two of you!
- Base and decorate a cake together.
- Find a list of dream homes for sale and attend open houses for them.
- Play a board game in bed.
- Make a fancy dinner and sit on the floor and eat it.
- Audit a class together
- Lie on a blanket and watch a meteor shower.
- Star gazing.
- Head to the Farmer's Market and pick out your dinner. Enjoy with a glass of wine!
- Wisconsin Wine Tours -
- Make Hot Chocolate, snuggle up and read together.
- Minor League Baseball game
- Stay at a B&B
- Head to a car dealer and test drive cars you’ve been dying to check out
- The Jackson Park’s Osaka Japanese Garden, 5800 S. Lake Shore Drive,
- Lincoln Park Conservatory, 2391 N. Stockton, The grand Victorian glass house has stood for more than 100 years, housing all species of earth plants and flowers.
- Checking off Superdawg from the list of 1,000 things to see before you die. Grab a Superdawg with a classic shake while you’re at it. 6363 N. Milwaukee,
- Stepping out onto the glass-boxed Sky Decks — 1,353 feet up — at the Willis Tower, 233 S. Wacker,
- Chicago’s own Top Chef, Rick Bayless, tests his acting chops when he makes his stage debut in “Rick Bayless in Cascabel,” March 21-April 22 at the Tony Award-winning Lookingglass Theatre, 821 N. Michigan,
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Tough Decisions
Some of you know that I've fostered dogs a few times. The first dog was a disaster. He was returned to the rescue after his owners had him a year due to "allergies." They owned the dog his entire puppy-hood and I'm pretty sure they just got tired of all the destruction. The dog had no manners and didn't know how to act around my dog. I could have dealt with the no manners, but in combination with him not getting along with my other dog, it was just too much. So unfortunately I had to return him and try to foster a different dog.
I ended up fostering the sweetest dog ever, Lilly. (Photo Right)
She had/has a skin condition which I was helping her with. I would take her to the vet and try to figure out what it was. But because of the skin condition she was un-adoptable for several months and I ended up having Lilly for almost 3 months. Needless to say, even though I tried my hardest to not get attached, I got attached. I knew going into it, that I would be giving Lilly away to her forever home, but its real difficult for me not to fall in love with animals. I just couldn't help it, I guess.
So now comes the hard part. I am ready to foster again, and I texted the rescue I work with. They have a 4 month old beagle that also has some medical issues. They asked if I could take him/her. But I know it will be the same thing as it was with Lilly. I'll have this puppy for several months and I'll start getting attached again. Lilly went to an amazing home, honestly I couldn't hope for a better home for her. But what if the next dog lives with me for several months and goes to a less than ideal home?
But how can I saw no to this puppy who really needs some human companionship right now?
Unfortunately, I think I have to tell the rescue that I am not ready for that puppy, but I feel terrible saying that and I can't bring myself to text them. I know there are tons of adult dogs at the shelter that would just love some human companionship. Its a much easier transition if the dog has been in a home, around people, and gets to learn how to be a house pet. They are much easier to adopt also because the potential adopters can ask you questions and you can say with confidence "Lilly did not have a single accident inside while I had her."
I know what I have to do, but its not going to be a fun text. :(
I ended up fostering the sweetest dog ever, Lilly. (Photo Right)
She had/has a skin condition which I was helping her with. I would take her to the vet and try to figure out what it was. But because of the skin condition she was un-adoptable for several months and I ended up having Lilly for almost 3 months. Needless to say, even though I tried my hardest to not get attached, I got attached. I knew going into it, that I would be giving Lilly away to her forever home, but its real difficult for me not to fall in love with animals. I just couldn't help it, I guess.
So now comes the hard part. I am ready to foster again, and I texted the rescue I work with. They have a 4 month old beagle that also has some medical issues. They asked if I could take him/her. But I know it will be the same thing as it was with Lilly. I'll have this puppy for several months and I'll start getting attached again. Lilly went to an amazing home, honestly I couldn't hope for a better home for her. But what if the next dog lives with me for several months and goes to a less than ideal home?
But how can I saw no to this puppy who really needs some human companionship right now?
Unfortunately, I think I have to tell the rescue that I am not ready for that puppy, but I feel terrible saying that and I can't bring myself to text them. I know there are tons of adult dogs at the shelter that would just love some human companionship. Its a much easier transition if the dog has been in a home, around people, and gets to learn how to be a house pet. They are much easier to adopt also because the potential adopters can ask you questions and you can say with confidence "Lilly did not have a single accident inside while I had her."
I know what I have to do, but its not going to be a fun text. :(
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Goal 1 - Accomplished
Alright, first of all I have to say Please don't make fun.
So - I have asthma. Exercise induced asthma. Which makes exercising complicated. My face gets bright red and sometimes I wheeze... its not fun. It also doesn't help that I HATE my inhaler. I hate that it makes my heart race and I only use it after a run if I get a coughing fit (which is probably 99% of the time). I know I should use it more often, but I'm really NOT a fan.
Due to the wheezing, and more importantly the BRIGHT red face, I would much rather exercise in the privacy of my own home / neighborhood then go to a gym. I know its irrational, but I feel like everyone who is in shape at the gym is staring at me and laughing at the out of shape girl. Going to a gym is out of the question.
But, I recently decided I was tired of being out of shape. I'm not so concerned about loosing weight, I'd just like to get my heart/lungs in better condition. Considering running is very little investment, running is it. I've never been a good runner, but running is the only exercise I sort of enjoy, aside from horseback riding. And Horseback Riding is a HUGE investment.
A few weeks ago, when I started running, I came up with a set of goals for my running. The first goal was to run around the block 1 time without stopping. Our block is about 0.4 miles, and yesterday, I ran around the block ... and then some! GOAL 1 Accomplished!!! All in all it was about 0.43 miles without stopping. :) I wish I could explain to you how huge that is. A few weeks ago, I could barely run half way around the block without stopping. I'd reach the end of the street and be wheezing. I'd have to walk 2 block lengths to catch my breath before I was able to run again.
I know so many people are going to say you are pushing yourself too hard. I know all the rules. "You should be able to hold a conversation while running, if you can't talk your running too fast" I know. I get it. But I feel most comfortable at a specific pace. So I run in short lengths that I think I can accomplish without killing myself.
I have several other goals.
Goal 2 - Run twice around the block without stopping
Goal 3 - Run a mile without stopping
Goal 4 - Run a 5k under 40 minutes (Shhhhh I know that's still really slow)
Goal 5 - Run a 5k under 30 minutes
Goal 6 - Run a 5k without stopping
Goal 7 - Finish a 10k
Goal 8 - Finish a Half Marathon
So, I'll keep posting on my progress. Not sure when I'll accomplish Goal 2, but I don't plan on stopping running any time soon.
So - I have asthma. Exercise induced asthma. Which makes exercising complicated. My face gets bright red and sometimes I wheeze... its not fun. It also doesn't help that I HATE my inhaler. I hate that it makes my heart race and I only use it after a run if I get a coughing fit (which is probably 99% of the time). I know I should use it more often, but I'm really NOT a fan.
Due to the wheezing, and more importantly the BRIGHT red face, I would much rather exercise in the privacy of my own home / neighborhood then go to a gym. I know its irrational, but I feel like everyone who is in shape at the gym is staring at me and laughing at the out of shape girl. Going to a gym is out of the question.
But, I recently decided I was tired of being out of shape. I'm not so concerned about loosing weight, I'd just like to get my heart/lungs in better condition. Considering running is very little investment, running is it. I've never been a good runner, but running is the only exercise I sort of enjoy, aside from horseback riding. And Horseback Riding is a HUGE investment.
A few weeks ago, when I started running, I came up with a set of goals for my running. The first goal was to run around the block 1 time without stopping. Our block is about 0.4 miles, and yesterday, I ran around the block ... and then some! GOAL 1 Accomplished!!! All in all it was about 0.43 miles without stopping. :) I wish I could explain to you how huge that is. A few weeks ago, I could barely run half way around the block without stopping. I'd reach the end of the street and be wheezing. I'd have to walk 2 block lengths to catch my breath before I was able to run again.
I know so many people are going to say you are pushing yourself too hard. I know all the rules. "You should be able to hold a conversation while running, if you can't talk your running too fast" I know. I get it. But I feel most comfortable at a specific pace. So I run in short lengths that I think I can accomplish without killing myself.
I have several other goals.
Goal 2 - Run twice around the block without stopping
Goal 3 - Run a mile without stopping
Goal 4 - Run a 5k under 40 minutes (Shhhhh I know that's still really slow)
Goal 5 - Run a 5k under 30 minutes
Goal 6 - Run a 5k without stopping
Goal 7 - Finish a 10k
Goal 8 - Finish a Half Marathon
So, I'll keep posting on my progress. Not sure when I'll accomplish Goal 2, but I don't plan on stopping running any time soon.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
What do you do with all your digital photos? Part 2 of 2
Last week I posted the first part - What do you do with all your digital photos?
Essentially I'm still not convinced digital is the way to go. I feel that hard copies are nice. You can look at them and display them. Shutterfly is my website of choice. They have pretty decent prices and always have sales.
But then the problem is, once you make all these photobooks, what do you do with them?
I saw this pin on pinterest. - I thought it was great. She used plate hangers. And I thought that was a great idea. You can display them and everyone gets to see them. They can get taken off thew all extremely easily. It was perfect.
So this is my interpretation of displaying photobooks. Right now I only have 2 to display, I guess I've been busy getting married and remodeling the basement. Haha. But that didn't stop me from wanting to hang the 2 photo books I have.
The problem came when I tried to decide how many plate hangers do I buy? Do I buy 2? Do I buy 4? 6? I really liked this hanger from Amazon priced at $6.55 each. But how often to things change slightly, or go out of stock. And how would I know how many I would eventually need? Or the bigger problem, where to store them. So, I came up with the idea to buy 2 now, and then every time I make 2 more photo books buy 2 more slightly different hangers. I think it'll look good, a little eclectic, and unique. And then you don't have the matchy matchy problem.
Now to make more photobooks. :)
Essentially I'm still not convinced digital is the way to go. I feel that hard copies are nice. You can look at them and display them. Shutterfly is my website of choice. They have pretty decent prices and always have sales.
But then the problem is, once you make all these photobooks, what do you do with them?
I saw this pin on pinterest. - I thought it was great. She used plate hangers. And I thought that was a great idea. You can display them and everyone gets to see them. They can get taken off thew all extremely easily. It was perfect.
So this is my interpretation of displaying photobooks. Right now I only have 2 to display, I guess I've been busy getting married and remodeling the basement. Haha. But that didn't stop me from wanting to hang the 2 photo books I have.
The problem came when I tried to decide how many plate hangers do I buy? Do I buy 2? Do I buy 4? 6? I really liked this hanger from Amazon priced at $6.55 each. But how often to things change slightly, or go out of stock. And how would I know how many I would eventually need? Or the bigger problem, where to store them. So, I came up with the idea to buy 2 now, and then every time I make 2 more photo books buy 2 more slightly different hangers. I think it'll look good, a little eclectic, and unique. And then you don't have the matchy matchy problem.
Now to make more photobooks. :)
Sunday, March 23, 2014
What do you do with all your digital photos? - Part 1 of 2
Honestly, I would love to know what you do with all your digital photos.
I guess I do a combination of everything. (including nothing). I upload some of them to Facebook. I make some of them into photobooks. (Left and Below)
Do you upload them (all?) to Facebook?
Do you print them out at Walgreen's?
Do you upload them to a photo sharing site?
Shutterfly is my favorite for making photo books. I also like it because you can easily post them to a shutterfly website.
And others... just sit on my hard drive.
The last one is the scariest, because I'm always terrified of my laptop crashing. I used to have an external hard drive to backup my laptop (I've always been a fan of laptops). Then one day my laptop crashed and before I could go buy a new laptop, my external hard drive crashed. All that work of backing up stuff... wasted. And who has the money to spend sending it to geek squad or whomever to get it fixed. As sad as it is, a hard copy may still be the best way to keep things safe.
C and I have talked about getting a real website, mostly for storing photos and stuff. Or buying storage to store photos. But there is always the pesky problem if costs.
So, what do you do with your photos?
Monday, March 3, 2014
DIY Raised Garden Bed
It has been my dream to have my own garden. And literally a weekend or so after we closed on the house, back in 2012, I built this raised garden bed.
After reading the comments in the above link I read that the wood would sometimes bow outward due to the weight of the soil. So I added the separator in the middle and so far it works great. It has been 2 years and there haven't been any problems.
Building the raised garden bed was a piece of cake. One of the challenging (and expensive) things was filling the bed with dirt. I can't remember the specifics, but I think I bought $100 worth of top soil. I didn't even buy the fancy plant stuff, just regular black dirt and it barely filled the bed 1/2 way. Each year I just figured I would buy a few more bags of dirt, or through in some peat moss or compost or something. Last year I bought 2 bags of dirt and 1 bag of peat moss, and I'm sure I'll do the same thing this year.
The bird netting is kind of a pain in the behind when it comes to mowing the lawn. I need to figure out a better solution for it. The netting always gets caught in the mower blades, or I don't pay close enough attention and the plants grow through the netting. This year I think I may just keep the netting on the garden while the plants are seeds or when they are first planted, and then chance the birds. We'll see.
I can tell you I've definitely got my money's worth of vegetables from the garden. :) Just ask my mother and friends. I constantly drop off extras with them so they don't go bad.
I'm so tired of winter that I'm already starting to plan springs garden.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Remodeling the basement - The aftermath of the flood. Part 1
Of course C and I had to return to Pitt. We had to go back to work so we couldn't devote time to redoing the basement right away. That, and with the wedding in November, as much as we wanted, this was just not a "now" thing we could handle.
What we did start doing was brainstorming. How could we make the basement waterproof. And we came up with this fantastic idea... tile! Tile floors and tile walls up to a chair rail. Tile is waterproof, just think of your shower. We can make the basement just like a big shower. We didn't like the idea to put tile all the way up the wall because its pricey, and its not very easy to hang stuff on tile. At least not as easy as drywall.
We also planned to elevate the electronics, dvd's, books, basically anything that we want to hang on the walls will be higher than 1 ft off the ground. Sofas, coffee tables, all that can just be thrown out if it gets wet. We were tired of sorting through our possessions and having to choose, keep or toss.
In the months since the flood, I even built an elevated Rubbermaid rack. Notice the bottom shelf is elevated. See, originally I thought I was smart. Cardboard is porous, but Rubbermaid containers are not. So if we ever did get water, all our "stuff" would be safe! WRONG. When you get 11 inches of water Rubbermaid containers get buoyant and float and then turn to a side. Then water gets in the containers because the top is not waterproof. I knew the top wasn't waterproof, but I didn't think about the fact that the container would get buoyant and then flip on its side. Live and learn...
Anyway, we thought our plan - tile - was golden. Until we talked to a contractor. It was too expensive. Like WAY too expensive. Like we could add a gigantic addition onto our house for the price of the tile in the basement. Our contractor said we might as well build a pool into our basement.
He said, get the insurance (which we have) and do drywall. Yes it sucks, if you get water, but its cheap and easy to replace. So, unfortunately, we are currently installing drywall, framing and carpet. Maybe our second house will have overhead sewers....
What we did start doing was brainstorming. How could we make the basement waterproof. And we came up with this fantastic idea... tile! Tile floors and tile walls up to a chair rail. Tile is waterproof, just think of your shower. We can make the basement just like a big shower. We didn't like the idea to put tile all the way up the wall because its pricey, and its not very easy to hang stuff on tile. At least not as easy as drywall.
We also planned to elevate the electronics, dvd's, books, basically anything that we want to hang on the walls will be higher than 1 ft off the ground. Sofas, coffee tables, all that can just be thrown out if it gets wet. We were tired of sorting through our possessions and having to choose, keep or toss.

Anyway, we thought our plan - tile - was golden. Until we talked to a contractor. It was too expensive. Like WAY too expensive. Like we could add a gigantic addition onto our house for the price of the tile in the basement. Our contractor said we might as well build a pool into our basement.
He said, get the insurance (which we have) and do drywall. Yes it sucks, if you get water, but its cheap and easy to replace. So, unfortunately, we are currently installing drywall, framing and carpet. Maybe our second house will have overhead sewers....
Monday, February 17, 2014
Misery Loves company - Home ownership part 4
Well, last we left off C and I had just emptied the basement.
Once the basement was empty, C cleaned the basement first with Lysol and then after it all dried (a few days later) he used bleach. It was the only thing we could do in order to try to get rid of some of the smell.
It was still pretty cold in the house because the circuit board was fried on the furnace. It took a few days to get the new board in stock. But, it wasn't too bad. The next few days were warmer and sunny.
My mom came over one day and helped us clean the things we were going to keep. Although I have to say this whole experience taught me that the chemicals you can buy at the store are worthless. Seriously, read the fine print. Bleach may kill 99.9% of bacteria, but there is always a little asterix next to the statement. It doesn't kill ALL bacteria, only a certain strain. And NOTHING you can find at Walgreens or jewel can kill mold. I guess that's why the pro's cost so much money...
The quote the pros gave us over the phone was 2,000-2,500 for the square footage of the basement. When they got to the house they estimated it being closer to 3 or 4k. But that's OK, I had a feeling the original price was low. We showed them the basement, and asked if they could keep the wood paneling. They said no. It had to go. So they basically just took a circular saw and cut the entire basement wood paneling off. Thus making our "partially finished basement, no longer anywhere close to being finished.
I think one of the scariest parts was after the techs took off all the wood paneling they already found mold growing. It was nothing serious, only a patch of mold about 3 inches in diameter. They were able to get rid of it with special antimicrobial spray stuff. I was shocked. It had been less than a week. But I guess that's what happens when you get water. The told us not to worry, concrete is porous and would absorb the spray solution stuff. As long as the basement dried properly, we wouldn't have to worry.
It took over a week for the basement to dry. Unfortunately, that also increased the cost. It ended up costing $6,000 to properly clean and dry the basement.
Of course none of that includes any of the amount of damage to the walls any of the furniture or other possessions we lost.
And... insurance didn't cover any of it. Insurance doesn't cover "acts of God." Although I should call it an "act of stupidity." Apparently some moron didn't open the deep tunnel in Chicago and that was the main cause of the problem. Anyway, I called the insurance company and said there was water in the basement, we don't know how it got in. It could have been coming in through the window wells, or up through the sinks, or the sump pump, we have no idea. They said they don't cover water coming in through the window wells, and we don't have flood insurance which would cover it coming up through the sinks. And we don't have sump pump failure insurance which would cover if the sump pump failed.
Let me just say, Lesson Learned. Now we have sump pump failure insurance (a few hundred a year), flood insurance ($1,000 ish a year), and major appliance failure insurance ($20 a year). Major appliance failure insurance is if your water heater or washer burst and flooded your entire basement. Basically, I never want to deal with this ever again. It was hell.
Just an FYI - Insurance only covers permanent possessions. Walls, carpet, washer/dryer, furnace. So that real expensive surround system you have in your basement? You'll get nothing for that. Not even $10.
It is now almost a year later (10ish months) and we are JUST starting to redo the basement. More on that later.
The damage -
Once the basement was empty, C cleaned the basement first with Lysol and then after it all dried (a few days later) he used bleach. It was the only thing we could do in order to try to get rid of some of the smell.
It was still pretty cold in the house because the circuit board was fried on the furnace. It took a few days to get the new board in stock. But, it wasn't too bad. The next few days were warmer and sunny.
My mom came over one day and helped us clean the things we were going to keep. Although I have to say this whole experience taught me that the chemicals you can buy at the store are worthless. Seriously, read the fine print. Bleach may kill 99.9% of bacteria, but there is always a little asterix next to the statement. It doesn't kill ALL bacteria, only a certain strain. And NOTHING you can find at Walgreens or jewel can kill mold. I guess that's why the pro's cost so much money...
The quote the pros gave us over the phone was 2,000-2,500 for the square footage of the basement. When they got to the house they estimated it being closer to 3 or 4k. But that's OK, I had a feeling the original price was low. We showed them the basement, and asked if they could keep the wood paneling. They said no. It had to go. So they basically just took a circular saw and cut the entire basement wood paneling off. Thus making our "partially finished basement, no longer anywhere close to being finished.
I think one of the scariest parts was after the techs took off all the wood paneling they already found mold growing. It was nothing serious, only a patch of mold about 3 inches in diameter. They were able to get rid of it with special antimicrobial spray stuff. I was shocked. It had been less than a week. But I guess that's what happens when you get water. The told us not to worry, concrete is porous and would absorb the spray solution stuff. As long as the basement dried properly, we wouldn't have to worry.
It took over a week for the basement to dry. Unfortunately, that also increased the cost. It ended up costing $6,000 to properly clean and dry the basement.
Of course none of that includes any of the amount of damage to the walls any of the furniture or other possessions we lost.
And... insurance didn't cover any of it. Insurance doesn't cover "acts of God." Although I should call it an "act of stupidity." Apparently some moron didn't open the deep tunnel in Chicago and that was the main cause of the problem. Anyway, I called the insurance company and said there was water in the basement, we don't know how it got in. It could have been coming in through the window wells, or up through the sinks, or the sump pump, we have no idea. They said they don't cover water coming in through the window wells, and we don't have flood insurance which would cover it coming up through the sinks. And we don't have sump pump failure insurance which would cover if the sump pump failed.
Let me just say, Lesson Learned. Now we have sump pump failure insurance (a few hundred a year), flood insurance ($1,000 ish a year), and major appliance failure insurance ($20 a year). Major appliance failure insurance is if your water heater or washer burst and flooded your entire basement. Basically, I never want to deal with this ever again. It was hell.
Just an FYI - Insurance only covers permanent possessions. Walls, carpet, washer/dryer, furnace. So that real expensive surround system you have in your basement? You'll get nothing for that. Not even $10.
It is now almost a year later (10ish months) and we are JUST starting to redo the basement. More on that later.
The damage -
Monday, February 10, 2014
Bridesmaid Hangers - Pinterest Inspired
Some of you know I got married last November. Which is part of the reason why I slacked on the blog. Sorry about that! Anyway, I've finally got the time to update the blog on everything I've wanted to share over the past year. :)
Bridesmaid hangers!
I absolutely love the bridesmaid hanger shot. You know, with all the bridesmaid dresses and all on matching hangers. So I started to research how to make those really cute hangers. I didn't want to spend $20 on a hanger for 1 picture (which is the cost to buy it via etsy) especially since I had other ideas for gifts for my bridesmaids. So, DIY it was. :)
I also made them for my mother and my fiance's mother. I got the hangers at Bed Bath and Beyond. Then I went to Michaels and got the blinged stickers. I really wanted to do glitter, but my MOH hates glitter and calls it "The H*rpes of Craft." Haha. She says glitter always gets EVERYWHERE! And since my Bridesmaids and my dress have zero glitter on them, I didn't want them to have any glitter specks on their dress.
One of my bridesmaids is married, so I put her last name on the hanger, And I put my new last name on the hanger as well. :) I don't know what the bridesmaids thought of them, but I think they liked them. I can't wait to see the photos from the professional photographer!
All in all, I love the way they turned out.
Friday, February 7, 2014
DIY Wedding Invitations
Man o Man. The wedding invitations were probably one of the biggest decisions of the wedding. I started looking for invites early, and either I didn't like them, or they were obnoxiously over budget. So I mixed and matched.
I was a bit picky with the invitation itself. Seriously, I think I had 100 + samples sent to me over a few months because I couldn't figure out what I wanted. I wanted the raised lettering for the invite so that it was a bit fancier, so I didn't want to print the invitations myself. I found some beautiful Vellum invitations at Michaels. My theme was vines/shamrocks and these were leaves and trees. But they were close enough and I love the way they turned out.
I'm also a huge fan of the pocket invites. So I ordered the pockets through cards and pockets and created the inserts myself.

Honestly, the inserts were difficult. Not the RSVP. That was pretty straight forward, although I was not 100% sure what to put on the RSVP. In hindsight, it would have been better to ask who wanted the Chicken, and who wanted the pork. Instead of a circle for them to fill in, a line probably would have been better. Oh well, just a lesson learned.

But trying to figure out what to put on the inserts. Very challenging.
Misc on the Left, Directions on the Right.

Although the most challenging thing was creating the map. I took a screenshot on google maps, and then placed it in paint. Then I just drew the lines and then deleted the background. It took a LOT longer than I expected.

I also ordered the damask monogram band through cards and pockets. These I could have printed at home, but by this time I was tired of printing everything, the RSVP, misc and directions were difficult
Another big decision was the envelope color. I knew I wanted calligraphy on the invitation envelopes and I knew I wanted the RSVP envelopes to be the same color as the invitation envelope. My colors were Dark Purple and Dark Green. If I had envelopes in dark green, how would I address them? I would have to use white labels, and I thought that would look tacky. So the two choices were lighter green and white. And I didn't want white. So light green it was.
I ended up getting some inspiration for the labels. I put a little shamrock on the labels for the RSVP's and for the return addresses on the invitations. I thought it looked very cute. :) The addresses for the invitations were done in calligraphy by my husband. He is a man of many talents.

I couldn't believe how long everything took to make. I would recommend budgeting about 3 weeks for 100 invitations. Especially if you are DIYing everything.

I don't think I would change anything, except the trees... I would have loved to find a vellum invite that had shamrocks or something on it. Just small details only I would notice. I still love the way they turned out. :)
I was a bit picky with the invitation itself. Seriously, I think I had 100 + samples sent to me over a few months because I couldn't figure out what I wanted. I wanted the raised lettering for the invite so that it was a bit fancier, so I didn't want to print the invitations myself. I found some beautiful Vellum invitations at Michaels. My theme was vines/shamrocks and these were leaves and trees. But they were close enough and I love the way they turned out.
I'm also a huge fan of the pocket invites. So I ordered the pockets through cards and pockets and created the inserts myself.
Honestly, the inserts were difficult. Not the RSVP. That was pretty straight forward, although I was not 100% sure what to put on the RSVP. In hindsight, it would have been better to ask who wanted the Chicken, and who wanted the pork. Instead of a circle for them to fill in, a line probably would have been better. Oh well, just a lesson learned.
But trying to figure out what to put on the inserts. Very challenging.
Misc on the Left, Directions on the Right.
Although the most challenging thing was creating the map. I took a screenshot on google maps, and then placed it in paint. Then I just drew the lines and then deleted the background. It took a LOT longer than I expected.
I also ordered the damask monogram band through cards and pockets. These I could have printed at home, but by this time I was tired of printing everything, the RSVP, misc and directions were difficult
Another big decision was the envelope color. I knew I wanted calligraphy on the invitation envelopes and I knew I wanted the RSVP envelopes to be the same color as the invitation envelope. My colors were Dark Purple and Dark Green. If I had envelopes in dark green, how would I address them? I would have to use white labels, and I thought that would look tacky. So the two choices were lighter green and white. And I didn't want white. So light green it was.
I ended up getting some inspiration for the labels. I put a little shamrock on the labels for the RSVP's and for the return addresses on the invitations. I thought it looked very cute. :) The addresses for the invitations were done in calligraphy by my husband. He is a man of many talents.
I couldn't believe how long everything took to make. I would recommend budgeting about 3 weeks for 100 invitations. Especially if you are DIYing everything.
I don't think I would change anything, except the trees... I would have loved to find a vellum invite that had shamrocks or something on it. Just small details only I would notice. I still love the way they turned out. :)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Thanks to my Neighbors
Chicago has gotten 55+ inches of snow this year. More snow this year than the past 2 years combined. All I have to say is, Mother Nature... I'm done with winter. I'm done with the cold and the snow. Where the heck is Spring??
But the purpose of this post is not to complain, its actually to Thank my Neighbors.
C has been gone for a few weeks now working in Ohio. I've been stuck shoveling the driveway because our snow blower is out of commission, and frankly fixing it is not on the top of my list. (I'm hoping have it fixed by next weekend though) I think this is the only time in my life that I'll be grateful that I only have a single car driveway. But I'm lucky because there have only been a few times when I had to shovel the sidewalks.
See there is this one neighbor, who owns a 4-wheeler and a plow. Every time it snows he plows all the sidewalks in the entire neighborhood. Honestly, its wonderful. If I could find out who the neighbor was, I would go and give him a bottle of scotch. But I have no idea who he is! I have only seen him once of all the times he has plowed our sidewalk. I think he does it while I'm at work or something, no idea. The one time I saw him it was at the beginning of the snow season (this year) and he was on his 4-wheeler happy as a clam on a Saturday. I wasn't prepared to stop him to ask where he lived. I just waved and screamed Thanks, and he waved back. So, to the neighbor out there, if I see you, I owe you a bottle of scotch. Seriously, Thank you for plowing my sidewalk this year. You've saved my back!
But I'm still stuck shoveling the driveway. Which really isn't that bad. Except for the fact that we have a single car driveway and the snow is piling up. Before today the snow piles were so big and so wide that they were encroaching on the driveway and I could barely get my car in the driveway without driving over the banks.
So, I woke up this morning and shoveled the 6 inches of snow we got and left for work. On the drive home I prepared myself mentally for attempting to shovel the rest of the snow that fell and attempt to widen my driveway entrance. Mind you, the snow bank was basically as tall as I am so it was going to be difficult. So I came home, parked on the street and went inside to change into my boots. I went outside to find my wonderful neighbor in the process of plowing the apron that I was just about to dig into. He was even making it wider for me just like I was going to! How amazingly nice is that! Had I not walked outside to shovel I'm pretty sure my neighbor would have started on the rest of my driveway. Honestly, it was the nicest surprise in the world.
I plan to buy ingredients for cookies, or brownies or muffins or something this weekend and deliver them as a Thanks.
But To both men and their families... Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
But the purpose of this post is not to complain, its actually to Thank my Neighbors.
C has been gone for a few weeks now working in Ohio. I've been stuck shoveling the driveway because our snow blower is out of commission, and frankly fixing it is not on the top of my list. (I'm hoping have it fixed by next weekend though) I think this is the only time in my life that I'll be grateful that I only have a single car driveway. But I'm lucky because there have only been a few times when I had to shovel the sidewalks.
See there is this one neighbor, who owns a 4-wheeler and a plow. Every time it snows he plows all the sidewalks in the entire neighborhood. Honestly, its wonderful. If I could find out who the neighbor was, I would go and give him a bottle of scotch. But I have no idea who he is! I have only seen him once of all the times he has plowed our sidewalk. I think he does it while I'm at work or something, no idea. The one time I saw him it was at the beginning of the snow season (this year) and he was on his 4-wheeler happy as a clam on a Saturday. I wasn't prepared to stop him to ask where he lived. I just waved and screamed Thanks, and he waved back. So, to the neighbor out there, if I see you, I owe you a bottle of scotch. Seriously, Thank you for plowing my sidewalk this year. You've saved my back!
But I'm still stuck shoveling the driveway. Which really isn't that bad. Except for the fact that we have a single car driveway and the snow is piling up. Before today the snow piles were so big and so wide that they were encroaching on the driveway and I could barely get my car in the driveway without driving over the banks.
So, I woke up this morning and shoveled the 6 inches of snow we got and left for work. On the drive home I prepared myself mentally for attempting to shovel the rest of the snow that fell and attempt to widen my driveway entrance. Mind you, the snow bank was basically as tall as I am so it was going to be difficult. So I came home, parked on the street and went inside to change into my boots. I went outside to find my wonderful neighbor in the process of plowing the apron that I was just about to dig into. He was even making it wider for me just like I was going to! How amazingly nice is that! Had I not walked outside to shovel I'm pretty sure my neighbor would have started on the rest of my driveway. Honestly, it was the nicest surprise in the world.
I plan to buy ingredients for cookies, or brownies or muffins or something this weekend and deliver them as a Thanks.
But To both men and their families... Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Do Not Disturb - Pinterest Inspired
I saw these on Pinterest, and I absolutely loved them.

So off I went to Vistaprint. I designed the layout myself and sent it to Vistaprint to print it there. I had a groupon so I printed everything on high quality paper cheaper than if I was going to print it myself. I used the "note card" on Linen Finish. I had a minor heart attack when the door hangers arrived from Vistaprint because they didn't print correctly. One side was printed upside-down. But a quick call to Vistaprint remedied the problem and they sent new ones right away.
Then I went to Michaels and bought a 3 inch circular punch by Fiskars. It was a long process, because the paper was thicker than the punch was meant to be used with, but I love the way they turned out. :)
We put them in the hotel welcome bags. I can't remember if everyone used it, but I know I saw a few on the doors when my new husband and I were walking back to the rooms.
So off I went to Vistaprint. I designed the layout myself and sent it to Vistaprint to print it there. I had a groupon so I printed everything on high quality paper cheaper than if I was going to print it myself. I used the "note card" on Linen Finish. I had a minor heart attack when the door hangers arrived from Vistaprint because they didn't print correctly. One side was printed upside-down. But a quick call to Vistaprint remedied the problem and they sent new ones right away.
Then I went to Michaels and bought a 3 inch circular punch by Fiskars. It was a long process, because the paper was thicker than the punch was meant to be used with, but I love the way they turned out. :)
We put them in the hotel welcome bags. I can't remember if everyone used it, but I know I saw a few on the doors when my new husband and I were walking back to the rooms.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Misery Loves company - Home ownership part 3
Well, we left off here -
We came home and saw the damage. The house was freezing, and basically it was gloomy.
We woke up the next morning "ready" to start digging through everything, but we weren't ready emotionally.
I had made several phone calls to flood cleaner people. They couldn't come for at least 3 days, possibly more. So off we went to taking as much crap as possible out to the garbage. Most of the things were easy-ish to take to the trash. Chairs, sofas, papers, all had to be taken out to the trash. But there were certain things we had to think about. What about a sleeping bag? That can be washed... but do you really want to sleep in a poop bag? Nope... so off it went to the garbage.
There were other issues with certain things that were not electronic or fabric that didn't need to be thrown out. Those were just placed in a "to clean" pile.
Then there was the issue of actually taking the sofa outside... first of all, the sofa was 100% waterlogged. It was heavy as all could be, and it was just C and I emptying the basement. So, off we go, to the top of the stairs to get the sofa out of the basement. It was the most difficult thing I think I have ever done, and it was exasperated by the fact that it wouldn't fit through the door. Since we moved in we changed the door to the side yard and neither of us realized that the door was slightly smaller. By an inch or so. And unfortunately that inch meant the leather waterlogged sofa wouldn't fit through the door. So after I had spent a TON of energy pushing the couch up the stairs, and C had spent a TON of energy PULLING the couch up the stairs he told me. "It doesn't fit." Honestly, I wanted to cry. How can this stupid heavy as h*ll couch NOT fit through the door!!
It was the worst words to hear. So we take the couch back the basement and C starts waking it with a crowbar and saw and hammer and whatnot taking it apart. I mean at this point, its not like it needs to stay in one piece. I think C got a lot of aggression out this way. He dismantled 2 full size sofas, 1 loveseat, and 2 chairs.
We had to throw out a lot of emotional things...
Up until this day I had every single ribbon I had ever won while horseback riding. I had every 1st, every last, and everything in between. But when they are covered in poop water, its not something I want to keep anymore.... I threw out the first ribbon I ever won with my first horse. Several first place ribbons. Several national titled ribbons...
My horses halter was saturated. The last halter he wore when we had to put him down. That was rough.
C's uncle was in the military and back in the day his cousin and uncle would send him letters, snail mail. Before this flood he kept every single letter they sent him. Those all had to be thrown out. You couldn't even read them anymore. He also had a few external hard drives that had photos on them. Those were waterlogged and had to be thrown out as well.
Those were the hardest things to throw out. The memories. I mean the furniture sucks... we had perfectly usable mini-fridges, enough couches and chairs to sit everyone comfortably, but the memories.... Sucks... To this day, almost a year later, it still brings me to tears.
Anyway, these are the photos. I only managed to take photos of the 1st garbage trip. We had just as much garbage the 2nd day of cleaning.

We came home and saw the damage. The house was freezing, and basically it was gloomy.
We woke up the next morning "ready" to start digging through everything, but we weren't ready emotionally.
I had made several phone calls to flood cleaner people. They couldn't come for at least 3 days, possibly more. So off we went to taking as much crap as possible out to the garbage. Most of the things were easy-ish to take to the trash. Chairs, sofas, papers, all had to be taken out to the trash. But there were certain things we had to think about. What about a sleeping bag? That can be washed... but do you really want to sleep in a poop bag? Nope... so off it went to the garbage.
There were other issues with certain things that were not electronic or fabric that didn't need to be thrown out. Those were just placed in a "to clean" pile.
Then there was the issue of actually taking the sofa outside... first of all, the sofa was 100% waterlogged. It was heavy as all could be, and it was just C and I emptying the basement. So, off we go, to the top of the stairs to get the sofa out of the basement. It was the most difficult thing I think I have ever done, and it was exasperated by the fact that it wouldn't fit through the door. Since we moved in we changed the door to the side yard and neither of us realized that the door was slightly smaller. By an inch or so. And unfortunately that inch meant the leather waterlogged sofa wouldn't fit through the door. So after I had spent a TON of energy pushing the couch up the stairs, and C had spent a TON of energy PULLING the couch up the stairs he told me. "It doesn't fit." Honestly, I wanted to cry. How can this stupid heavy as h*ll couch NOT fit through the door!!
It was the worst words to hear. So we take the couch back the basement and C starts waking it with a crowbar and saw and hammer and whatnot taking it apart. I mean at this point, its not like it needs to stay in one piece. I think C got a lot of aggression out this way. He dismantled 2 full size sofas, 1 loveseat, and 2 chairs.
We had to throw out a lot of emotional things...

My horses halter was saturated. The last halter he wore when we had to put him down. That was rough.
C's uncle was in the military and back in the day his cousin and uncle would send him letters, snail mail. Before this flood he kept every single letter they sent him. Those all had to be thrown out. You couldn't even read them anymore. He also had a few external hard drives that had photos on them. Those were waterlogged and had to be thrown out as well.
Those were the hardest things to throw out. The memories. I mean the furniture sucks... we had perfectly usable mini-fridges, enough couches and chairs to sit everyone comfortably, but the memories.... Sucks... To this day, almost a year later, it still brings me to tears.
Anyway, these are the photos. I only managed to take photos of the 1st garbage trip. We had just as much garbage the 2nd day of cleaning.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Its cold, and I'll cry if I want to
Honestly, it annoys me when people say "Everyone needs to stop complaining about the cold, People in (insert cold place here) deal with this all the time! And they don't have heat." Blah Blah Blah, Guess what, I don't live in that god forsaken cold place. I live in a suburb right outside of Chicago. says the average High for January should be 31, with the average low at 16. December should be 35 and 21 respectively. I want to be in a place where the average temperature falls between high teens and freezing. Not the insane weather we have gotten. also says the average precipitation should be 1.73 total inches in the month of January and 2.25 for December. (By the way, 10 inches of snow = 1 inch of precipitation.)
Do you want to know what January was like??? The average HIGH temperature has been 24 degrees, but the average LOW temperature is 6 degrees. That's a huge difference. Its been, on average, 10 degrees colder this year. While I don't know what data they use for average, I'm sure its more than the past 30 years. And lets be honest, the past few years have been warm. AND, none of this includes windchill. I don't know what the windchill averages has been, but it has been a crazy windy month.
Guess what else, we broke 2 records this year for coldest temperature and tied another, 1 record was set in 1988, another in 1977, and the record we tied??? 1955. Do you see what I'm trying to say? It's been CRAZY cold. So cold that we have broken/tied records that have been set for 59 years!
Lets compare precipitation now... We have had 4.88 inches of precipitation in the month of January. That's almost 3 times the AVERAGE. And guess what, there's a 60% chance it'll snow tomorrow. God only knows what that's going to be like. Oh and December?? also much higher than the average...
So lets go back to comparing warm places with cold places... On January 10th (this year) got 8.5 inches of snow... that was a lot. And yesterday, Atlanta got 3 inches of snow, which is a lot for them. Atlanta had 1200 accidents because of that snow, and you don't see people saying it was "no big deal." Because guess what, while 3 inches of snow may not be a big deal for Chicago (it happened 5 times this month alone), its a HUGE deal for Atlanta.
I choose to live in Chicago, so when we have a 60 degree swing in temperatures of the span of 3 days, Its not a shock... That's what Chicago is like. But I don't live in the North Woods, or Russia, or Alaska or any other cold place, I live in Chicago. And you know what? I'll cry about the snow if I want to. also says the average precipitation should be 1.73 total inches in the month of January and 2.25 for December. (By the way, 10 inches of snow = 1 inch of precipitation.)
Do you want to know what January was like??? The average HIGH temperature has been 24 degrees, but the average LOW temperature is 6 degrees. That's a huge difference. Its been, on average, 10 degrees colder this year. While I don't know what data they use for average, I'm sure its more than the past 30 years. And lets be honest, the past few years have been warm. AND, none of this includes windchill. I don't know what the windchill averages has been, but it has been a crazy windy month.
Guess what else, we broke 2 records this year for coldest temperature and tied another, 1 record was set in 1988, another in 1977, and the record we tied??? 1955. Do you see what I'm trying to say? It's been CRAZY cold. So cold that we have broken/tied records that have been set for 59 years!
Lets compare precipitation now... We have had 4.88 inches of precipitation in the month of January. That's almost 3 times the AVERAGE. And guess what, there's a 60% chance it'll snow tomorrow. God only knows what that's going to be like. Oh and December?? also much higher than the average...
So lets go back to comparing warm places with cold places... On January 10th (this year) got 8.5 inches of snow... that was a lot. And yesterday, Atlanta got 3 inches of snow, which is a lot for them. Atlanta had 1200 accidents because of that snow, and you don't see people saying it was "no big deal." Because guess what, while 3 inches of snow may not be a big deal for Chicago (it happened 5 times this month alone), its a HUGE deal for Atlanta.
I choose to live in Chicago, so when we have a 60 degree swing in temperatures of the span of 3 days, Its not a shock... That's what Chicago is like. But I don't live in the North Woods, or Russia, or Alaska or any other cold place, I live in Chicago. And you know what? I'll cry about the snow if I want to.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Christmas Cards - Pinterest Inspired
What to do with all those Christmas Cards? That's the main question. I found these photos on pinterest -

They gave me some inspiration. I love the old book idea, however I find it difficult to deface a book. I may incorporate that into my Christmas cards later.
I was not a fan of keeping the Christmas cards separated by year, because I wanted to group them by families. How neat would it be to be able to flip through the Christmas Card "book" and see each families Christmas Cards over the years. :)
So here is what I did. I bought binder rings - 1 inch in diameter size. Honestly, I would recommend going bigger than 1 inch. Especially if your only creating 1 "book" as mine is pretty full already and I only have 3 years binded. If your doing each individual year, 1 inch would be perfect.
Here's my final-ish product. It's awaiting a cover, either a book cover, or just something printed. All in all, the whole project took 20 minutes? The longest part was hole punching the cards. :) A very easy task, and now they are stored with the Christmas Decorations!
They gave me some inspiration. I love the old book idea, however I find it difficult to deface a book. I may incorporate that into my Christmas cards later.
I was not a fan of keeping the Christmas cards separated by year, because I wanted to group them by families. How neat would it be to be able to flip through the Christmas Card "book" and see each families Christmas Cards over the years. :)
So here is what I did. I bought binder rings - 1 inch in diameter size. Honestly, I would recommend going bigger than 1 inch. Especially if your only creating 1 "book" as mine is pretty full already and I only have 3 years binded. If your doing each individual year, 1 inch would be perfect.
Here's my final-ish product. It's awaiting a cover, either a book cover, or just something printed. All in all, the whole project took 20 minutes? The longest part was hole punching the cards. :) A very easy task, and now they are stored with the Christmas Decorations!
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