Well, if official. I'm engaged to C. :) But I'm not going to blog about how he did it or any of that stuff, when the wedding website gets up anyone can read our story on there. I'm going to blog about what its been like since I've gotten engaged.

And then when I tried to just take pictures of the ring people asked for pictures of the ring ON my finger.
I mean, no one ever talks about the challenges of taking a ring picture. I just felt that every picture I took did not live up to the beauty of my ring. (God, I sound so stuck up!! sorry!)
So, ladies, if you think your going to get engaged soon get a manicure every few weeks leading up to when you think its the big day. Seriously... I'm not kidding.
The other gigantic surprise was how many people asked me the night or the day after we got engaged if we set a date yet. Seriously, If I had $10 for every person who asked me if we set a date I think I would have enough for a gorgeous wedding dress. I was shocked! I honestly didn't expect anyone to ask if I set a date and when the first person asked I was speechless. All I wanted to say was we got engaged like 10 minutes ago! I ended up saying I think we want to get married in Fall, but I don't know if we will get married in 2013 or 2014.
I guess the one good thing about everyone asking me questions is it got me into wedding mode. I've already started planning. I've talked to my parents and C's parents to get a rough guest list together. So far, I think the guest list is going to be gigantic and extremely difficult to narrow down. Oh well, let the wedding planning begin!
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