So - by now I'm sure all Express clothing/accessory fans know of the coupons they offer.
I don't know what the coupon is called but I call it the tiered coupon. You know what I mean, where they give you the option of taking $15 off of $50, or $30 off of $100, or $60 off of $200. The below coupon is one the site has offered right now.
However, because I'm addicted to coupons (and I LOVE express jeans) I also subscribe to their mailing list and gave them my personal address to send me coupons.
Well, until now, I didn't realize will offer a coupon code that may be different from the one they email you!! I got this coupon emailed to me.
If you read that, you have to spend WAAAY less money to get the deals.
And, to make things even MORE confusing. At the beginning of this month I got this in the mail -
So, the moral of the story is, pay attention!!! I can get $150 worth of clothes for $90 (or 40% off) instead of a measily 30% off just through their website. Also - sign up for their emails, you can get good discount codes. :)