Anyway, It was bed time for Dub and I always walk Dub right before he goes to bed. Almost everyone in the neighborhood is afraid of Dub because they think he looks like a pit bull. Honestly, he has some characteristics (short coat, wide set back legs, the snout is similar), but he really doesn't look that much like one. Regardless, since I am a young female and I generally walk Dub alone, I am perfect OK with strangers thinking he looks like a pit because of the terrible rep pits have.
On a side note - I believe very strongly that it is the owner who makes the dog mean, not the breed. My mother and their 8 year old beagle have been attacked 2 times by different Jack Russel Terriers.... so. Um... yeah.
But - Lets get back to the original story. I was leaving the apartment and all of a sudden I got a real bad feeling on this walk. I've never had this bad feeling walking Dub before. Like I was being followed or watched. It really gave me the creeps. That's when I wished I had Pepper Spray. I know Dub is very weary toward other people and other people are very weary of him, but it didn't really help the bad feeling.
One was titled - Accidental "Test" Reveals Efficacy!" Wow... That must suck....
Another - "Having never been subjected to pepper spray before, I thought it would be "fun", "interesting", or "exciting" to allow a trusted friend to spray me under extremely controlled conditions. As an action medic, I've treated individuals that were maced and have gotten extremely minute second-hand effects from being around them...but I'm certain there is nothing that could prepare anyone for the amount of pain, irritation, and terror that this self-defense tool causes."
I just can't imagine ever buying this product to "test" it... I guess its more common than I thought.
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