Saturday, June 4, 2011

Its been a while... My fault

Sorry for not writing this week.  Work has been keeping me busy.

I'm not really one for following trends.  In fact, I was telling C's Aunt today, that the ideas I have had for my future wedding are now "trendy" and it kinda sucks!  It makes me so I really don't want any of those things anymore.

Anyway, all this is about the fact that I started reading Harry Potter recently.  I'm currently on book 5 and I LOVE the series.  I read them every morning and evening on the train, and I know they are very "easy" reads, but they are so great!

After I finish each book I've been comparing them to the movies, and well... they are VERY different.  I thought everyone was pretty biased when I heard them say the books are better, but now I agree.  The books are 100 times better than the movies.  The movies just go too fast.

Anyway, this is kinda a boring post.  Sorry.  I'm a bit tired.

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