One of the largest Arabian horse shows is going on right now. Arabian & Half-Arabian Youth National Championships. I believe this is the largest Youth Horse Show in the Country. Don't quote me on that, because I am not 100% sure, but if its not the largest its one of the largest.
I love when the young rider hears their name called for the top ten, reserve or champion and starts crying. I absolutely love it. I mean look at this rider. (No idea who she is, I don't follow 13 and under riders that closely) Look how happy/surprised she looks! You can just tell in her face that she has worked hard for this win.
But you know what I hate??? When the riders get cocky. I absolutely despise when the riders think they are "the shit" and the judges love them, and there is nothing they can do wrong. When a rider acts like that, I want the horse to dump their a$$ in the dirt.
I mean honestly, does anyone pay attention to the horses that won the previous year (didn't graduate age groups or anything) and the following year will all of a sudden get the gate? Cuz I do! Just because you went Youth Champion the year before does not guarantee you a THING. Sometimes the parents look happier than the rider. Its unbelievable and it really annoys me.
I was one of the unlucky ones to never get a Youth Championship. I had a lot of bad luck with lameness and finances in my last 2 years as a youth rider. And honestly, I would give just about anything to go back to my youth years and ride Rags to one more Top Ten. I guarantee I would be much happier than that girl I showed, and that would be only for a Top Ten.
I guess it just really bothers me when these kids take things for granted. They have no idea how lucky they are. Although, when I was their age, I didn't realize how lucky I was until it was gone.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Fun Saturday Morning
So. I had a wonderfully eventful Saturday morning. It all started with Dog needing to go out in the morning. This normally is not that big of a deal. I woke up at 9:30 and grabbed C's phone because mine needed to charge. I get to the front door and see a bunch of white stuff on the floor. At first I'm completely confused and then I look up and notice that ceiling is leaking (again) and whats on the floor is drywall.
C's phone does not have the phone numbers that I need to call in order to get this matter resolved, so I go back into the bedroom and grab my cell phone. Then, I close the door behind me because I don't want Dog to wake C up. I grab Dogs leash and my phone and walk out of the house. As soon as the door closes I realize I had just locked myself out of the apartment. In my fluster-ness I had completely forgotten to grab my keys.
I ended up calling the condo manager (since its their $$$ that will be spent opposed to my landlords). The condo manager basically says "that sucks," and then tells me the roofer can't get out until Monday. Awesome... great...
I call C's phone immediately after, along with the house phone. I know its a long shot that C will hear it, but I'm hoping (and praying) he will get up and hear it. After our 30 min walk, I go back in the condo building and try to knock on the door and get C to wake up. No luck.
I sit on the floor, in front of our door for another 30 min or so. I'm checking my email and updating facebook, which in hindsight is real stupid since I didn't have much battery on my phone. After another 10 phone calls and some more knocking, I take Dog for another 30 min walk. Only to return to sitting on the floor.... again. Dog was pretty cute. He would frequently walk over to the door, stick his nose at the bottom and try to figure out what was going on. Then he would look at me and whine. I am sure Dog had NO idea why he wasn't allowed inside. Poor guy.
After 3 walks and 2.5 hours I was getting stir crazy. It was past noon! I did not know a day when C slept this late. I looked up the local locksmith on my phone. I eventually got transferred to a technician who told me he could be at my apt in about 30 minutes and it would cost me ~ $100. See, the thing is, I know Chicago roads. If he told me 30 minutes (because he was at a house currently), unless he was less than 2 miles away it was going to take longer than 30 min. And that's assuming he was about to "wrap it up" at the current house. Trust me, our few mile drive to the highway usually takes about 30 min. Its only supposed to take like 10, but there are so many cars it takes 3 times as long.
So, considering how gigantic Chicago is I didn't trust this guy that he would be here in 30 minutes. So I told him to forget it, and then I just sat, and waited.... 10 minutes later I tried the house phone again. The house phone picked up, and thinking it was the voicemail, I hung up. That was when I realized it was not the voicemail, but a real human!! Dear god I was so happy. I called the phone back, and all I could say was "Open up the front door." C was like "I can't." "I'm in the hall right now, just open up the door to the hallway."
So, after over 2.5 hours, I finally was let back inside the apartment. Unfortunately, C had to deal with the wrath of me after I got back inside. I tried SUPER hard not to be a B*tch... but ... I had wasted my entire morning!
After getting mad at C (for no reason) and then apologizing and then getting mad and then apologizing, I took an hour long hot shower. I emerged, decided I was going to be a good girl, and started making the peanut butter rice crispy treats I had to make for a party later on. C returned from the store about 10 min later and returned with some beautiful flowers. :) I didn't deserve the flowers at all, I was a huge mean person to C even though I tried real hard to be nice. Its not like I was mad at him, I was just upset and cranky.
Anyway, thanks babe for bringing me flowers. I know I didn't deserve them, but they definitely turned my day around. :) <3
C's phone does not have the phone numbers that I need to call in order to get this matter resolved, so I go back into the bedroom and grab my cell phone. Then, I close the door behind me because I don't want Dog to wake C up. I grab Dogs leash and my phone and walk out of the house. As soon as the door closes I realize I had just locked myself out of the apartment. In my fluster-ness I had completely forgotten to grab my keys.
I ended up calling the condo manager (since its their $$$ that will be spent opposed to my landlords). The condo manager basically says "that sucks," and then tells me the roofer can't get out until Monday. Awesome... great...
I call C's phone immediately after, along with the house phone. I know its a long shot that C will hear it, but I'm hoping (and praying) he will get up and hear it. After our 30 min walk, I go back in the condo building and try to knock on the door and get C to wake up. No luck.
I sit on the floor, in front of our door for another 30 min or so. I'm checking my email and updating facebook, which in hindsight is real stupid since I didn't have much battery on my phone. After another 10 phone calls and some more knocking, I take Dog for another 30 min walk. Only to return to sitting on the floor.... again. Dog was pretty cute. He would frequently walk over to the door, stick his nose at the bottom and try to figure out what was going on. Then he would look at me and whine. I am sure Dog had NO idea why he wasn't allowed inside. Poor guy.
After 3 walks and 2.5 hours I was getting stir crazy. It was past noon! I did not know a day when C slept this late. I looked up the local locksmith on my phone. I eventually got transferred to a technician who told me he could be at my apt in about 30 minutes and it would cost me ~ $100. See, the thing is, I know Chicago roads. If he told me 30 minutes (because he was at a house currently), unless he was less than 2 miles away it was going to take longer than 30 min. And that's assuming he was about to "wrap it up" at the current house. Trust me, our few mile drive to the highway usually takes about 30 min. Its only supposed to take like 10, but there are so many cars it takes 3 times as long.
So, considering how gigantic Chicago is I didn't trust this guy that he would be here in 30 minutes. So I told him to forget it, and then I just sat, and waited.... 10 minutes later I tried the house phone again. The house phone picked up, and thinking it was the voicemail, I hung up. That was when I realized it was not the voicemail, but a real human!! Dear god I was so happy. I called the phone back, and all I could say was "Open up the front door." C was like "I can't." "I'm in the hall right now, just open up the door to the hallway."
So, after over 2.5 hours, I finally was let back inside the apartment. Unfortunately, C had to deal with the wrath of me after I got back inside. I tried SUPER hard not to be a B*tch... but ... I had wasted my entire morning!
After getting mad at C (for no reason) and then apologizing and then getting mad and then apologizing, I took an hour long hot shower. I emerged, decided I was going to be a good girl, and started making the peanut butter rice crispy treats I had to make for a party later on. C returned from the store about 10 min later and returned with some beautiful flowers. :) I didn't deserve the flowers at all, I was a huge mean person to C even though I tried real hard to be nice. Its not like I was mad at him, I was just upset and cranky.
Anyway, thanks babe for bringing me flowers. I know I didn't deserve them, but they definitely turned my day around. :) <3
Friday, July 22, 2011
Great videos
I'm one of the few people who has always had a soft spot for JT. Even back in the day when he was with 'N Sync. I was that teenage girl who bought all of the 'N Sync CD's, even the Christmas albums. Haha. I know I had strange taste in music, lets just say it has changed since then.
I saw this video a few days ago and it made me like him even more. History of Rap - Part 2 When a friend of mine had sent me this link I had never seen History of Rap Part 1, but I didn't know what I was missing. Justin could really dance and watching Jimmy dance... was... well... comical. Haha. Jimmy dances like such a white guy.
To be 100% honest, I never even heard about History of Rap Part 1. I'm not very "clued" into the viral videos. My boyfriend usually is the one who tells me about all the cool new things to watch. There was this one time when C told me to watch these two videos, and then the next day while I was driving Dog to daycare I heard the radio station talk about them and how they are the new hot viral video.
Some more of my favorite videos are - REAL talent
Seriously - this Australian guy is AMAZING. And to think, he learned that all without any formal training!
I also love anything similar to this -Smooth Criminal
I think its so cool when musicians play current or popular music on orchestra instruments. It sounds so cool.
I saw this video a few days ago and it made me like him even more. History of Rap - Part 2 When a friend of mine had sent me this link I had never seen History of Rap Part 1, but I didn't know what I was missing. Justin could really dance and watching Jimmy dance... was... well... comical. Haha. Jimmy dances like such a white guy.
To be 100% honest, I never even heard about History of Rap Part 1. I'm not very "clued" into the viral videos. My boyfriend usually is the one who tells me about all the cool new things to watch. There was this one time when C told me to watch these two videos, and then the next day while I was driving Dog to daycare I heard the radio station talk about them and how they are the new hot viral video.
Some more of my favorite videos are - REAL talent
Seriously - this Australian guy is AMAZING. And to think, he learned that all without any formal training!
I also love anything similar to this -Smooth Criminal
I think its so cool when musicians play current or popular music on orchestra instruments. It sounds so cool.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Dog - Part 4
So its been a while since I talked about Dog. I don't have much to talk about today, so I'll continue his story of the first few months we had him.
I left off when we were at the shelter and the shelter was trying to see if they could help us out at any way. When Megan comes back I'm still upset. I told her "I know I signed a paper that said I will pay for all medical expenses from yesterday through the rest of Dog's life, but this is a little much!" Thankfully she told us if we transferred Dog to an emergency vet facility that they suggested they would take care of some of the bills. So, we decided to transfer Dog. The vets office he was currently at couldn't keep him past 7 PM, so we had to transfer him no matter what.
I called the new vets office and told them to expect us. When I arrive, they take Dog and tell me they'll call me and keep me up to date however, they don't know when Dog will be able to go home. They are going to place him in an oxygen tank overnight and give him IVs and meds.
The next afternoon I get a call saying Dog is doing fantastic and he is ready to be picked up. The vet also says "By the way, your dog is sure a barker!" I was shocked, I had no idea he was a barker. He had never barked at us. He had barely made any noise while we have had him. I just dismissed the vets comment as a mistake.
I left work early that day to go pick up Dog. As soon as they brought out Dog I knew everything had changed. Here came this energetic dog literally running at me. The nurse was attempting to hold him back but Dog was "on a mission." Seeing Dog's energy in those 10 seconds really showed me how sick Dog was when we met him. I ended up getting pretty overwhelmed thinking "This is NOT an apartment dog." The vet ended up prescribing 2 different medications for Dog and I would have to come back in a week so they could check his progress.
Well, I went home, and we gave Dog his first dose of medication and his dinner. Dog gobbled up his dinner so fast that he burped a few times. We soon discovered that Dog is VERY food motivated and will eat just about anything. He even had no problem taking his pills because he really didn't care what went in his tummy. Again, this really scared me, because I could barely get him to eat hot dogs the day before. I wondered how sick Dog really was if he was so different after 24 hours.
After a few days we notice Dog is developing a severe rash on his belly. I bring it up to the vet and she says to put some cream on it and to let us know if it gets worse. Well, of course with our luck, the rash gets worse. I can tell Dog is very uncomfortable, his stomach is very warm to the touch and he keeps licking and scratching it. I feel awful. We go into the vet and they tell us they are going to call a Doggy Dermatologist who has more knowledge on skin infections. We go back to the vet 2 days later. The Doggy Derm says the rash is an allergic reaction to one of his medications. The rash has turned into a fungal-type infection, so we need to take him off one of the pneumonia meds and put him on a steroidal cream. Unfortunately this means that Dog will take longer to get better.
To Be Continued... Don't worry, there is still a ton of Drama with Dog's health.
I left off when we were at the shelter and the shelter was trying to see if they could help us out at any way. When Megan comes back I'm still upset. I told her "I know I signed a paper that said I will pay for all medical expenses from yesterday through the rest of Dog's life, but this is a little much!" Thankfully she told us if we transferred Dog to an emergency vet facility that they suggested they would take care of some of the bills. So, we decided to transfer Dog. The vets office he was currently at couldn't keep him past 7 PM, so we had to transfer him no matter what.
I called the new vets office and told them to expect us. When I arrive, they take Dog and tell me they'll call me and keep me up to date however, they don't know when Dog will be able to go home. They are going to place him in an oxygen tank overnight and give him IVs and meds.
The next afternoon I get a call saying Dog is doing fantastic and he is ready to be picked up. The vet also says "By the way, your dog is sure a barker!" I was shocked, I had no idea he was a barker. He had never barked at us. He had barely made any noise while we have had him. I just dismissed the vets comment as a mistake.
I left work early that day to go pick up Dog. As soon as they brought out Dog I knew everything had changed. Here came this energetic dog literally running at me. The nurse was attempting to hold him back but Dog was "on a mission." Seeing Dog's energy in those 10 seconds really showed me how sick Dog was when we met him. I ended up getting pretty overwhelmed thinking "This is NOT an apartment dog." The vet ended up prescribing 2 different medications for Dog and I would have to come back in a week so they could check his progress.
Well, I went home, and we gave Dog his first dose of medication and his dinner. Dog gobbled up his dinner so fast that he burped a few times. We soon discovered that Dog is VERY food motivated and will eat just about anything. He even had no problem taking his pills because he really didn't care what went in his tummy. Again, this really scared me, because I could barely get him to eat hot dogs the day before. I wondered how sick Dog really was if he was so different after 24 hours.
After a few days we notice Dog is developing a severe rash on his belly. I bring it up to the vet and she says to put some cream on it and to let us know if it gets worse. Well, of course with our luck, the rash gets worse. I can tell Dog is very uncomfortable, his stomach is very warm to the touch and he keeps licking and scratching it. I feel awful. We go into the vet and they tell us they are going to call a Doggy Dermatologist who has more knowledge on skin infections. We go back to the vet 2 days later. The Doggy Derm says the rash is an allergic reaction to one of his medications. The rash has turned into a fungal-type infection, so we need to take him off one of the pneumonia meds and put him on a steroidal cream. Unfortunately this means that Dog will take longer to get better.
To Be Continued... Don't worry, there is still a ton of Drama with Dog's health.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Well, I got my paper
Thankfully I got my paper this week. The only problem is I think the Chicago Tribune has accidentally been delivering 2 papers to my address instead of 1. Therefore after I picked up my paper, there was still 1 hanging around the lobby. Yesterday I got to the condo, and I still saw a Trib. I'm pretty sure everyone is scared that I'll yell at them again if they take it.
So now, I kinda feel like a mean person. :-/
So now, I kinda feel like a mean person. :-/
Friday, July 15, 2011
I better get my paper this week
I subscribe to the Chicago Tribune pretty much only for the coupons. In fact, I usually take out the plastic coupon thingy, and throw away the rest of the paper without looking at it or taking it out of the bag. I know its super nerdy, but its kinda fun. I mean A. Who doesn't like to save money. and B. Who doesn't like to "screw the big man." I feel like every time I get stuff for cheap I kinda give the big business owners the finger. I feel like I stuck my tongue out and said "ha, seeeeee I can get your non-generic stuff for cheap!"
The only problem is, the last 2 weeks my Trib has been STOLEN. Now I don't know if its because I have been coming home too late or what, but I'm starting to get pissed, hence the sign (pictured left). Seriously, I remind myself of that one passage in Jen Lancaster's book (I can't remember which one) where she camps out in a discrete place in her lobby to see who is stealing her paper. She ends up bringing coffee and camps out for several hours when "nature calls." She ran to the bathroom and low-and-behold as soon as she came back the paper was gone. Of course that would be my luck too, so she resumed the next day/week (again, details escape me) and found out the cleaning lady was throwing it away because she took too long to obtain the paper.
If the cleaning lady is throwing away my paper, I have no idea where she is throwing it away. I have purposefully looked for the paper in the garbage, so I know if its my fault, or we have a thief in the building. I mean, imagine my embarrassment if I found out the cleaning lady did throw away my paper after I posted such a nasty sign!
If my paper is gone this weekend, I'm getting it delivered to work instead. I know that means I wont get it on Sunday, but at least I wont have to go to Walgreens and spend $2 (That's FOUR times the price I already pay!) on a paper in order to get my coupons. Trust me, I already have issues with buying a paper in the first place to "save money" but I know for a fact I save more than $0.50 a week in coupons. I also think I save more than $2.50, but obviously the less money you spend, the more profit.

If the cleaning lady is throwing away my paper, I have no idea where she is throwing it away. I have purposefully looked for the paper in the garbage, so I know if its my fault, or we have a thief in the building. I mean, imagine my embarrassment if I found out the cleaning lady did throw away my paper after I posted such a nasty sign!
If my paper is gone this weekend, I'm getting it delivered to work instead. I know that means I wont get it on Sunday, but at least I wont have to go to Walgreens and spend $2 (That's FOUR times the price I already pay!) on a paper in order to get my coupons. Trust me, I already have issues with buying a paper in the first place to "save money" but I know for a fact I save more than $0.50 a week in coupons. I also think I save more than $2.50, but obviously the less money you spend, the more profit.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Post Secret - Favorite blog of all time
Alright, so I already posted about my favorite video blog of all time, but now I'm posting about my favorite blog, of any kind, of all time. Post Secret. I admire Frank because I have no idea how he thought of it. I'm astonished how well it took off, and I admire that he doesn't "sell" advertising space on the blog.

Several times I have thought about what my secrets are. Like what I would send to post secret if I wanted to send something. Honestly, (I don't know if this is good or bad) I don't have that many secrets. I thought about telling the secret that I still get afraid of the dark when I'm at home alone. But then I realized it wasn't really a secret because I've already told people that. It actually took me a long time in order to think of a secret that was truly a secret. There are certain parts of my life that most people do not know about me, but I don't qualify that as a secret. I believe a secret is something no one else knows.
I think my secret is: I still have no idea what I want to do when I grow up and I don't know if I'll ever know what I want to do. I think being a vet would be nice, but I don't have the motivation to go back to school. I think being a nurse would be nice, but I don't know if that's only because I could work 3 days a week and have 4 days off. I think I would like to be a teacher, but I don't know if I really want it. At this point in my life all I know is what I don't want to be, and I have no idea what would truly make me happy.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Armenian Brandy
A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook this amazing bottle of Brandy that is in the shape of a beautiful horse. It looks just like a Saddlebred so I was in awe. After I posted a picture of it a friend of mine, who owns an Armenian/European Market saw the picture and told me he has that in his store. He told me it was approximately $50 w/ tax and shipping and to let him know if I want it. Well of course, regardless if it tastes good or not, I REALLY want this bottle. It looks beautiful! So I bought it. :)
Anyway, the funny thing I found today is this Ebay item for sale...
$95!!!!!!!!! What a scam!!!
Side note - If anyone wants this Brandy, please let me know and I will get you the contact info.
Anyway, the funny thing I found today is this Ebay item for sale...
$95!!!!!!!!! What a scam!!!
Side note - If anyone wants this Brandy, please let me know and I will get you the contact info.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Horse (Saddlebred and Arabian) Art
Alright, I am in love with basically everything on this website. I can not wait to get a house so I can decorate it will all of this stuff. (Or at least 1 room) Maybe I'll have a guest bedroom that is horse themed... or maybe the office or something. I really don't know but I HAVE to have a horse themed room somewhere. Otherwise where will I put all my pictures of Rags and "trophies."
To be 100% honest. I kinda want to buy this photo album and re-do my entire show book. I absolutely LOVE this photo album. Haha.
Hm... I have a couple of Rags old shoes... I wonder if she could do something with those? That would be a real cool thing to have.

I'm also in love with this. The only thing that makes me sad is IDK if I can ever wear it. :( I'd have to see if there were any nickle in it and usually silver colored gold has nickle in it. She offers it in silver only, but I love the dual color better.
God, I just love her stuff.
Alright, I am in love with basically everything on this website. I can not wait to get a house so I can decorate it will all of this stuff. (Or at least 1 room) Maybe I'll have a guest bedroom that is horse themed... or maybe the office or something. I really don't know but I HAVE to have a horse themed room somewhere. Otherwise where will I put all my pictures of Rags and "trophies."
Hm... I have a couple of Rags old shoes... I wonder if she could do something with those? That would be a real cool thing to have.
I'm also in love with this. The only thing that makes me sad is IDK if I can ever wear it. :( I'd have to see if there were any nickle in it and usually silver colored gold has nickle in it. She offers it in silver only, but I love the dual color better.
God, I just love her stuff.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Anyone tried Skittle Vodka?
Skittle Vodka has to be one of my favorite things of all time. What you do, is you take a bag of skittles and separate it into colors. You put the skittles in the bottom of mason jars and fill it with straight vodka. Then you keep it in the fridge for a week. Each day you have to shake the jars.
After a week you have to strain out the skittle parts. We used a very fine strainer, but a coffee filter works too. When they are strained you are ready to serve! Its fantastic if you mix it with Sprite or 7-Up. I wouldn't recommend drinking it straight (although I suppose a shot would be OK) because it is PURE vodka.
The picture above is the finished product. When we made this we had a little mis-hap with an ice machine and the orange skittle jar. We placed the skittle vodka in the freezer instead of the fridge. Lets just say we had orange skittle vodka ALL over our freezer. The vodka didn't explode, its more like the ice machine ate the jar.... long story.
Anyway, highly suggest this as an adult beverage to serve for summer parties. :)
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